Saturday, February 17, 2007

Music Ministry Revival part122

Music Ministry Revival part122

I (We) prophesy to the 4 winds of the heavens. Revival Angels come into the Music Ministry. Come,  Spirit of Music Ministry Revival. The Spirit of awakening come.  Come, Music Ministry Revival, Music Ministry harvest angels come. Music Ministry...angels of revival come... awaken Lord. Send your glory. Send your glory... send your glory and change the atmosphere in the Music Ministry. Fire of God come. Light of God come. Go forth Light of God. Breathe ... wind of God, breathe into the Music Ministry, now in Jesus name. 

Music Ministry Revival has arrived! Music Ministry revival is realized when Jesus visits the Music Neighborhood. In Genesis 1, God left the neighborhood. 

In Genesis 1, God left the neighborhood in creation including the Music Cosmos. The Music Cosmos neighborhood had an  accident. The Music Cosmos neighborhood was jackknifed. Consequently, the Music Cosmos has been dysfunctional in the music neighborhood. The Music Cosmos is unable to function without God. Specifically, the Music Cosmos does not benefit from the depth of knowledge and rule in the Music Cosmos. Thus the Music Cosmos is blind to Gods' original intent (Christo-Centric intention) for for music in the Music Cosmos. Revelation 4:11Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. 

The Music Cosmos lacks the wisdom, knowledge, understanding in the full exercise of the gift in the Music Cosmos. In addition the Music Cosmos is at odds with God and ultimately becomes an enemy to Gods' music intentions.

The Music Cosmos without God is devilish, carnal, and sensual. It seeks to preserve its own dominion and self protection. Consequently the Music Cosmos is at odds with God. Eventually, the Music cosmos becomes a public menace and proverbial public enemy. God and the Music Cosmos is estranged. The Music Cosmos will need a retrofit. The Music Cosmos can not be reconciled to God with a retrofit. God offers the Music Cosmos a modification for reconnecting to God. Jesus is the propitiation-modification-mediator between God and the the Music Cosmos. He is the retrofit, mediator, modification, propitiation, parts, devices, systems, and equipment between God and the Music Cosmos. Propitiation means iJlasmov�, Hilasmos, hil-as-mos'  , an appeasing, propitiating, the means of appeasing, a propitiation. He became our substitute and assuming our obligations he expiated our guilt, covered it, by the vicarious punishment which he endured.

Jesus is Gods propitiation. (the cleansing and life-giving sacrifice of atonement and reconciliation, to be received by faith). God set the Music Cosmos in the clear with himself through the sacrifice of Jesus, finally taking care of the sins. 1 John 2:2 And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole (Music Cosmos) world.  History records Gods intent to retofit the Music Cosmos. The Music Ministry is Gods exemplar. The Music Ministry models reconciliation between God and the Music Cosmos. If the Music Cosmos wants to see God on earth, it will look at the Music Ministry. In other words, Jesus is the docking station between God and the Music Cosmos. 

Music Ministry Revival has arrived! Music Ministry revival is realized when Jesus docks and visits the Music Neighborhood. Every Music Ministry generation is challenged with the task of retrofitting the Music Cosmos. The specifications vary with each generation.  For the Chief Musician,  Psalmist David,  completed his work after retrofitting and docking with his generation.

Acts 13:36   36-39"David, of course, having completed the work God set out for him, has been in the grave, dust and ashes, a long time now.    For David, after he had served God's will and purpose and counsel in his own generation, fell asleep in death] and was buried among his forefathers, and he did see corruption and undergo putrefaction and dissolution [of the grave].


The Music Ministry Revival will sink or swim based on its teamwork. Could teamwork among the Music Ministry solve:

  • The music Ministry assignment The Music Cosmos

  • World Hunger

  • A common agenda for Music Ministry Convention-leaders

  • Lower the increasing divorce rate among Music Ministry couples in their 40s, 50s, 60s and even the 70s

  • Music Ministry and AIDS and drug dependency

  • Control, Distribute , Produce CD for the general Music Ministry

  • Sexism, classism, racism in the Music Ministry

  • Affordable Senior Housing for the Music Ministry

  • Music Ministry pension funds

  • Retooling the the Music Ministry from Industrial Pipe Organ, organic Piano to electronic instruments

  • Institute Remedial music education program for the Music Ministry

  • Updating resume service for the Music Ministry who is out of work

  • Redeem rap music into Christ-centric rap Music


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