Eugene Peterson begins his paraphrase of I Timothy 3 in The Message with the words, "If anyone wants to provide leadership in the church, good!" BUT… Huh? I hate that word. Why does there always have to be a ‘but’?...
The writer then gives us some modern day listings of things that Paul says are an absolute must for church leaders today. Peterson calls them "preconditions".
Monday mornings are always a great time for a reality check. As church leaders, we must take the time periodically to measure ourselves against the standard. I'm asking that we all take fifteen minutes this morning to self-evaluate how we're doing. It could make a big difference in your week; and in your ministry.
Take some time right now. Don't just skim this list... read each item individually. Write down some action steps on your weaker points. And thank God when you're doing well in others.
OK... here we go. A leader must be...
1. well-thought-of
Are there people in your church right now that you need to clear the air with? Are there people you are trying to lead who don't think well of you? How can you make it right this week?
2. committed to his wife
How close is your relationship? Sure, you may feel totally committed to your wife, but does she know that? Do whatever you need to this week to make your spouse feel vibrant and a useful part of your ministry.
3. cool and collected
Have you blown your temper lately? Have you held a grudge? Again... is there someone you're trying to lead who you are ticked at? Pray for God's help to stay cool and collected even under pressure.
4. accessible
Is your office door open or closed right now? Are you accessible to your staff? to your church? to other pastors in your community? to those who oppose you?
5. hospitable
Are you friendly? Do people feel comfortable around you? How long has it been since you've opened your home to new people?
6. he must know what he's talking about
Are you well-researched? Do you really know what you're talking about, or do you do a good job 'snowing' people?
7. not be overfond of wine
Is this a temptation of yours? If so, watch out.
8. not pushy but gentle
Are you a leader or a manipulator? Are you motivational or abusive?
9. not thin-skinned
Are you sitting around this morning consumed by bad comments from yesterday? Think about the positive things that were accomplished yesterday. Truth be told, many more people were ministered to in a postive way than were upset about something that went wrong.
10. not money-hungry
Are you consumed and motivated by money?
11. handle his own affairs well
What personal affairs are in shambles? Take some time to do your best to get your personal affairs in good shape today so you can concentrate on ministry.
12. attentive to his own children and having their respect
Don't place your ministry over family. Spend some time with your kids today. Quality and Quanity.
13. must not be a new believer
Not much you can do here... hopefully you can check this one off your list!
14. outsiders must think well of him
What does your community think about you? Who cares, you ask? Evidently, it's important... because Paul stuck it in here. Make a list of things you could do to help people in your community have a good impression of you!
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