Step 1 - Restoring Your Alkaline Body pH.
The most important first step, as mentioned above, for every person’s health is to restore the alkaline body pH. The easiest way to measure the body’s pH is to measure the first mornings urination with a simple hydrazine paper (also called pH paper). It has been clinically established that the urine's pH is an accurate reflection of the whole body's tissue pH. The urine pH is directly correlated to both oxygen levels and soft tissue levels of minerals such as calcium, magnesium and trace elements. Just to let you know, we’re now offering a free test kit with your order to get you started. Just ask us and we’ll be happy to include it. We recommend you test regularly to keep an eye on where your health is at. We offer also offer 14ft. of pH paper for $5.00. For such a cheap price, this is one of the best bargains to testing and keeping your health in the positive state you hope for, throughout your life.
When the body’s pH becomes acidic, the oxygen levels decline proportionately. Choking out the cells ability to make energy and eliminate wastes. This acidic pH creates a hostile internal environment which makes the body struggle to get its nutrient needs met. The more acidic you become the worse you will feel. It is highly probable that this is one of the main reasons you feel tired and worn out. Even though you are breathing oxygen, your cells can’t get it and you just can’t get the energy you want out of your body.
As I mentioned before, chronic diseases like cancer need an acid environment to thrive. Every cancer researcher knows that cancer cannot survive in an alkaline environment. In fact, if a cancer tumor is put into a beaker with an alkaline media, the cancer will die within 3 hours. This is so important for you to understand because I know most people are scared of getting cancer and now you know there is something you can do about it. Just keep your tissues alkaline so cancer cannot grow!
I want to mention 2 more conditions that I see that is evidence that the body is acidic and is depleted of minerals. The first one is receding gums and gingivitis which is actually evidence that the body is losingbone mass. The body will “borrow” calcium from the bones to buffer acids from the diet and to fight hidden infections. When enough bone mass has been lost in the jaw the gums will recede and the teeth become loose. It is at this point that bacteria can get under the gums causing what’s known as gingivitis. Unfortunately dentists do not understand this downward progression and can only offer surgery which is costly and painful. I have a recent case of one women reversing her receding gums doing this.
How to test your urine pHThe best time to measure tissue pH to begin with is your first urination of the morning. More specifically, this is the first urination after 5 AM. The first thing to do upon arising in the morning is to simply take a plastic cup or small, clean container and fill it with urine. Then take a test strip of the pH paper and test it with the pH of the fluid in the container. You should immediately see a change in color which you can then match against the color of the gauge given in the test kit. If your pH doesn’t register, you might need pH paper designed to measure a lower pH range. When you check your first urine pH in the morning, your pH should be between 6.4 and 7.0.
If the first morning urine pH is acidic (a pH below 6.4), this indicates the body is in a state of physiological disregulation and distress due to lack of sufficient minerals which are needed to adequately carry out thousands of basic cellular functions. Therefore, our immediate goal is to restore a consistently alkaline first morning urine pH (within the range of 6.4 to 7.0) by using fast?-acting coral minerals (which are highly ionized and easily absorbed). More about this product recommendation towards to end.
Another step is to test your saliva. You can do this by putting some saliva on a spoon and dipping the test paper in the saliva and once again, match the color of the test strip up with the color gauge that came with the kit. You don’t have to test your saliva everyday as it changes more slowly. Every few weeks after improving your diet, test your saliva pH to check for improvement. We recommend you record a base-line measurement and keeping track of your measurements. This way you can see an actual change in your tissue pH and know for sure you’re making improvements in your health. You will most likely feel the difference in energy levels as you improve.
The next testing should be done with an Evening Urine pH. Once the pH of the first morning urine stays consistently in the alkaline range (for a period of at least 2 weeks), the next step is to begin testing the evening urine pH (best measured just before the dinner meal around 5 or 6 PM). The reason for this is once you can see your morning and evening pH staying above 6.4 for 2 months then you know you are free of infections. But if you cannot keep the evening pH above 6.4 then you have an infection that you need to clear.
Some Foods That Will HelpAll fruits and vegetables for the most part are alkaline forming. All grains, beans, nuts, and animal proteins are acid forming. The alkaline foods are cleansing and remineralizing. The protein foods are acidifying and for building the body up. It is the balance between these food groups that is needed. One is not better than the other, they are both needed.
Adding some lemon juice to your drinking water will contribute a little be to the alkalinization process. So will green vegetable juices.
The Best Health Products to Restore an alkaline pHTo rapidly replete and maintain soft tissue mineral reserves, the best method we've seen in my 14+ years of clinical practice is the use of the Quantum Trio.
The Quantum Trio consists of Coral Calcium 100% Sango marine coral powder which contains highly ionized calcium, magnesium and trace elements. This is a powder form which mixes well in water or juice. We also have coral calcium in capsule form with a slightly different formula. Quantum Coral Complex is ideal for those who prefer to take the coral minerals in capsules. It contains coral minerals (with its highly ionized calcium, magnesium and trace elements) and special mycelial mushroom extracts which naturally contain provitamin D for calcium transport into the cell.
Quantum Aloe Powder, the second product of the Quantum Trio, combines an inner?-leaf aloe concentrate with organic pomegranate. When mixed with Coral Calcium, the amino acid structure of the aloe powder ideally targets the coral minerals to the soft tissue for greater metabolic efficiency.
Quantum Cod Liver Oil the third product of the Quantum Trio, provides U.S.P. grade, mercury?-free cod liver oil which is rich in Vitamin D3, an essential nutrient for calcium utilization at the cellular level. It also contains rich amounts of EPA and DHA which are critical for the brain's growth, repair and maintenance. Recommended use for adults or children (age 2 and up): 2 Vcaps or 1/2 teaspoon/day.
If you want to heal your gums, keep your teeth, and reverse osteoporosis then you will want to use the strongest natural medicine to support that in the form of Quantum Trio.
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