Music Ministry Revival part85
Music Ministry Teamwork and the Movement of God
Music Ministry Revival is at hand! Music Ministry Revival is the stealth movement of God in the Music Cosmos. Music Ministry Revival will occur when the Music Ministry Teams manifest strategies to exegete the Music Cosmos. Music Ministry Revival is Conviction; when "every concert hall, music club becomes a pulpit, every heart an altar, every home a sanctuary, every Ipod earphone tuned to the heart of God" and the Music Cosmos walk softly before God—This is Revival! It takes the supernatural to break the bonds of the natural. You can make the Music Cosmos mission-conscious. You can make the Music Cosmos crusade-conscious. But only God can make the Music Cosmos God-conscious. Just think about what would happen if God came to any Music Cosmos in power. I believe that day is coming. May God prepare us all for it. Amen.
Music Ministry Revival...out of the Music Cosmos belly sha
ll flow rivers of living water. ...out of the Music Cosmos belly shall flow rivers of living art . ...out of the Music Cosmos belly shall flow rivers of living Music.
Music Ministry Revival is when the Music Ministry speaks in every tongue, kindred, nation, style, of the Music Cosmos. Music Ministry Revival is when the Music Cosmos ask Acts 2:8 Then how is it that each of us hears them in his own native (Jazz, classical, Blues, Rock, Blue grass, country) language? Music Ministry Revival is when the Music Ministry has the everlasting gospel to preach unto the Music Cosmos that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people. And the Music government shall be upon His shoulders. And the the Music Cosmos will call Him Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of peace. Music Ministry Revival is when the Music Cosmos sings a new song, saying, "You are worthy" for you have hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every Music kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation.
Dr. Campbell Morgan, preaching on this great Welsh revival, in the Westminster Chapel in 1904 declared "Here Is REVIVAL that comes from heaven; There is no PREACHING, no ORDER, no HYMNBOOKS, no CHOIRS, no ORGANS, no COLLECTI0NS, and finally no ADVERTISING! Now think of THAT for a moment! There were organs, but they were silent; there were ministers but no preaching - they were among the people praising God! Yet the Welsh Revival is a "revival of preaching" for EVERYBODY is preaching! No order, yet it moves from day to day, county to county, with matchless precision, with the order of an attacking force. No songbooks, but ah, me, I nearly wept tonight over the singing! When the Welsh sing they abandon themselves to their singing. We sing as if we thought It wouldn't be respectable to be heard by the one next to us! No choir, did I say? It was all choir!"
Definition: REVIVAL is confusedwith EVANGELISM! Heaven-sent revival is not religious entertainment where crowds gather to hear outstanding preachers and musical programs; neither is it the result of sensational advertising—in a God-sent revival you don't spend money on advertising; people come because Revival is there! Revival is an "awareness of God" that grips the whole community, and the roadside, the tavern, as well as the church, becomes the place where men find Christ. Here is the vast difference between our modern evangelistic campaigns and true revival. In the former, hundreds may be brought to a knowledge of Christ, and churches experience seasons of blessings but as far as the community is concerned little impact is made; the taverns, dance halls, and movies are still crowded, and godlessness marches on. In revival, the Spirit of God like a cleansing flame sweeps through the community. Divine conviction grips people everywhere; the strongholds of the devil tremble and many close their doors, while multitudes turn to Christ!
exegete the community Welsh Revival 1904 Crime was so diminished that judges were presented with white gloves signifying that there were no cases of murder, assault, rape or robbery or the like to consider. The police became 'unemployed' in many districts. Stoppages occurred in coal mines, not due to unpleasantness between management and workers, but because so many foulmouthed miners became converted and stopped using foul language that the horses which hauled the coal trucks in the mines could no longer understand what was being said to them, and transportation ground to a halt (Orr 1975:193). Welsh Revival 1904 cutting from a local newspaper at that time declared:<?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O /> "Infidels have been converted, drunkards, gamblers, thieves saved, and many thousands reclaimed to respectability and honored citizenship. Confessions of awful sins have been heard, old debts have been paid. Theaters and beer saloons in distress for lack of patronage. Several police courts have become completely idle. In five weeks, 20,000 conversions have been reported." Quoting from the Keswick Journal (1952): "More people are attending prayer meetings in Lewis today, than attended public worship on the Sabbath day before the outbreak of revival. Social evils were swept away as by a flood, and in the communities touched by this gracious movement you have men and women living for God. Family worship in nearly every home, five or six prayer meetings a week in the parish; and ministers and elders building up the young men and women in the faith. Of all the hundreds who have turned to Christ in that first gracious wave of the Holy Spirit, only four young women have ceased to attend the prayer meetings."
Teamwork and the Movement of God
The Music Ministry Revival will sink or swim based on its teamwork. Could teamwork among the Music Ministry solve:
The music Ministry assignment The Music Cosmos
World Hunger
A common agenda for Music Ministry Convention-leaders
Lower the increasing divorce rate among Music Ministry couples in their 40s, 50s, 60s and even the 70s
Music Ministry and AIDS and drug dependency
Control, Distribute , Produce CD for the general Music Ministry
Sexism, classism, racism in the Music Ministry
Affordable Senior Housing for the Music Ministry
Music Ministry pension funds
Retooling the the Music Ministry from Industrial Pipe Organ, organic Piano to electronic instruments
Institute Remedial music education program for the Music Ministry
Updating resume service for the Music Ministry who is out of work
Redeem rap music into Christ-centric rap Music
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