Dog days of Summer...Queen the Pawn. "What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight--it's the size of the fight in the dog.” -- Dwight D. Eisenhower Dog days of Summer...Queen the Pawn. Reduce your casualties. Reduce the risk to the top brass and ground troops. HE WHO FIGHTS AND RUNS AWAY WILL LIVE TO FIGHT ANOTHER DAY. Their May be vulnerabilities on Multi front and multi theatres of War. Hear the Word of the Lord today. It's the Dog days of Summer. A soldier must husband their strength for the war. The battle is not to the swift or strong but to them that endure to the end. Strategies win wars. Many of the old warriors have lost battles through fatigue and battle worn strategies. The battle strategy is likened to the chess board. Gather the pawn for the first layer of b |
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