Thursday, January 11, 2007

Platform Your Anointing and Assignment Pay day and Good and Plenty for the people of God.




Payday candy barProphesy Proverbial Parable

 Pay day and Good and Plenty for the people of God. No delay no denial. The best is yet to come. Revelation 10 (Amplified Bible) 6 [He swore] that no more time should intervene and there should be no more waiting or delay,... Though the time may not be yet, it cannot be far distant. Very soon, as to us, time will be no more; but if we are believers, a happy eternity will follow: we shall from heaven behold and rejoice in the triumphs of Christ, and his cause on earth.

 When God blessed Abraham with wealth he was also blessing Abraham’s extended family and a host of servants and slaves who constituted his extended family. When Abraham was blessed, he became a blessing to all those around him who shared his life. Abraham’s wealth was shared wealth, not personal wealth. Abraham’s wealth also brought with it the responsibility to care for, protect and provide justice for all those who where part of his extended family.


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