Sunday, December 31, 2006

New Year 2007 Financial Plan



New Year 2007 Financial Plan

A financial exchange is an emotional exchange. Derail your outside pressures and align your emotions with God for a lifetime. The 10% Tithe-10% Personal Savings gives you an opportunity to align your emotions with God.  Invest for your entire life, 10% Tithe-10% Personal Savings, not just in consecutive 12 month/52 week  stages. It's not just the spiritual, cultural, emotional, intellectual, and physical gaps between God, you and money. The real gap is between what you think God wants and what you actually want, deep down. The discrepancy between what God wants and what you want is settled by the 10% Tithe-10% Personal Savings.

The exchange is easy to follow. Money is a reward for solving a problem. You exchange your earning for time-exchange money for time to:

  • Solve God's problem. facilitate the Kingdom business

  • Solve the generational problem facilitate your prophetic assignment. Free time with your (wife) your family, yourself and friends

  • Solve the Cosmos problem-time to assist help your fellow nations, neighborhood, man

5 Exclusive Messages

5 smoothed stones to throw at Goliath in 2007

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