Monday, August 21, 2006

Life on the upswing Tiger's recent upswing can be linked to ... his swing

Life on the upswing

Tiger's recent upswing can be linked to ... his swing. 

Stuart Franklin, Getty Images

Tiger Woods holds the Wannamaker Trophy after winning the PGA Championship in a blowout.

It certainly appears that Tiger Woods has his golf swing where he wants it. The evidence is written all over the last two events in which he seemingly had total control of not only his golf swing but his golf ball. The countless hours Tiger has practiced under the expert eye of swing coach Hank Haney seem to be falling into shape as we speak.  By John Stahlschmidt 

Their tee time was just minutes away. Their chances of winning the PGA Championship must have seemed a million miles away.  "Tiger is the most focused person I’ve ever seen do anything. Ever. Any job. Any game. Any anything. The man doesn’t get rattled." -- The Best That Ever Lived  Kevin Maguire and Craig Thomas. 

The only reason men fail is broken focus. 

Some of us are in the upswing of life. Everything is going well. naturally, a downswing may follow us after a while. 

Lord I offer you all that I am. The upswing comes from you. Help me to exaggerate the joy of this upswing moment. You are a rewarder of everyone that seeks you on the upswing. It is with a heart of thanksgiving that I praise your name. Lord I am content with the person you are. Lord I am content with my future self. I am discontent with where I am. Life is always on the upswing. We fall short of the upswing of His glory. Striving, for the upswing of His glory.  But, it is yet not attained.

Like Tiger Woods, the upswing of His glory seemed a million miles away.  

My prayer is, Lord let me strive for the mark of the high calling. May Life start and end with your glory revealed on the upswing.

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