Saturday, February 9, 2008

Fortifi@ Character-The Music Rite of Passage Elegance and Ceremony Part4


Character-The Music Rite of Passage Elegance and Ceremony Part4
Music Metrics for your life


1.  Avoid the Costume music environment

a.    Avoid environments that are

                                                             i.      false and fake

                                                          ii.      singularly casual

                                                        iii.      singularly amusing and fun

                                                        iv.      unstable and change your mind about God

                                                           v.      promoting inferior instruments and music

                                                        vi.      demeaning toward attitudes of greatness

                                                      vii.      singularly promote casual music, dress

                                                   viii.      promote cheap thoughts - short cuts to greatness

                                                        ix.      promote low and lower compensation and salary

2.  Music Character Celebrates and Recognizes Ceremony

a.    Music Ceremony is a part of the environments that have order

b.    The purpose of ceremony to convey importance

c.     Distinguish the important from the unimportant

d.    You will always act like the person you think you are

e.    Great Music presentation is always with ceremony

                                                             i.      Presentation with ceremony

                                                          ii.      Dress the gift

                                                        iii.      Package the gift

1.    uncommon

2.    elevating the music environment

                                                        iv.      Avoid the stripping away of ceremony

2/9/08 Forti@ Character-The Music Rite of Passage Elegance and Ceremony Part1

2/9/08 Fortifi@ Character-The Music Rite of Passage Elegance and Ceremony Part2

2/9/08 Fortifi@ Character-The Music Rite of Passage Elegance and Ceremony   Part3

2/9/08 Fortifi@ Character-The Music Rite of Passage Elegance and Ceremony Part4

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