Saturday, February 9, 2008

Fortifi@ Character-The Music Rite of Passage Elegance and Ceremony part5


Character-The Music Rite of Passage Elegance and Ceremony Part5
Music Metrics for your life



    2.  Music Character Celebrates Presentation

a.    You are the Kingly Seed

                                                             i.      you are the seed of the kingly anointing

                                                          ii.      upgrade you

b.    The distinction between the music palace and pig pen is presentation

c.     The music played in the music palace is played at the dens of iniquity that night

                                                             i.      The food served in the banquet is the same food at the is eaten by dogs, rodents,  vermin and pigs at night

                                                          ii.      Presentation with ceremony

d.    Treasure the gift

e.    Music or artistic passion uncontrolled is deadly

                                                             i.      The difference between <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Bath tube and Niagara fall

                                                          ii.      tsunami

                                                        iii.      Passion un channeled is dangerous

f.      give more attention to yourself

g.    raise yourself higher


Your Music gift is called to region or a people. There are certain environ where your music gifts will flourish. Be careful little feet where you go

Music Rituals Ceremonies can be used:

  • To convey Gods character, intentions, message or lesson.
  • To convey a music message or lesson
  • To challenge and inspire all the musicians to attain and reach greater personal growth
  • A ceremony must convey that "you" and "this moment" are special.

2/9/08 Forti@ Character-The Music Rite of Passage Elegance and Ceremony Part1

2/9/08 Fortifi@ Character-The Music Rite of Passage Elegance and Ceremony Part2

2/9/08 Fortifi@ Character-The Music Rite of Passage Elegance and Ceremony   Part3

2/9/08 Fortifi@ Character-The Music Rite of Passage Elegance and Ceremony Part4

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