Sunday, May 13, 2007

 Don't put the cart before the Horse


 Don't put the cart before the Horse


Don't put the cart before the Horse. Don't despise small beginnings. Begin at the proper place; do things in their proper order. Small Ideas can have big Impact. You don't need a brilliant idea. You will need to offer a better product than the public has now.

 One cell can divide and create another human being. One small idea can blossom. The small idea can have great impact. Your imagination and ideas can have a spiritual cell implant from the Sprit of God.

Life cycle

The human life cycle is similar to that of other placental mammals. New humans develop viviparously from conception. An egg is usually fertilized inside the female by sperm from the male through sexual intercourse, though the recent technology of in vitro fertilization is occasionally used. The fertilized egg, called a zygote, divides inside the female's uterus to become an embryo, which over a periodof thirty-eight weeks (9 months) of gestation Microsoft logo low qualitybecomes a human fetus. After this span of time, the fully-grown fetus is expelled from the female's body and breathes independently as an infant for the first time.

















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