Music Ministry Revival part82
Music Ministry Teamwork and the Movement of God
Music Ministry Revival is at hand! Music Ministry Revival is the stealth movement of God in the Music Cosmos. Music Ministry Revival will occur when the Music Ministry Teams manifest. Behold the team called wise men. They bore gifts boxes. Their (Boxes) gifts were given to Jesus (gold, frankincense, and myrrh). The gifts reflected the aspects of Christ's nature: gold to a king, myrrh to one who will die, and incense, as homage to a God.
Music Ministry Revival is at hand! Music Ministry Revival is the stealth movement of God in the Music Cosmos. Music Ministry Revival will occur when the Music Ministry Teams manifest a movement of God in the Music Cosmos. Music Ministry Revival is evidenced when the Music Ministry Teams have the power and influence over the Music Cosmos infrastructure and agencies. Their will be a kingdom shift when Music Ministry Revival occurs.. Revelation 11:15 (Amplified Bible) 15The seventh angel then blew [his] trumpet, and there were mighty voices in heaven, shouting, The dominion (kingdom, sovereignty, rule) of the world has now come into the possession and become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ (the Messiah), and He shall reign forever and ever (for the eternities of the eternities)! The Music Cosmos will be reconciled to God. Music Ministry Revival is at hand! Music Ministry Revival will occur when you and I weep at the porch and altar (Music Ministry repentance) concerning the Music Cosmos, prevailing prayer, and a prevailing message (messenger-Music Ministry).
Dominion in the Music Cosmos is delivered to the team which exerts power and influence. While God has the power, The evil spirits are united under one head, the seat of whose dominion is in the air . The other team is united to build and manifest the earthly kingdom. The winning team will have one language and of one accent and mode of expression. Genesis 11:1AND THE whole earth was of one language and of one accent and mode of expression. Power and influence is team unity. In the Tower of Babel the bulk of mankind united to build a city and a tower to prevent their (Idolatrous unity) separating. Team unity is (Amos 3:3) walking together to make an appointment and agreement? “Power is the force you use to make things happen in an intended way. Whereas influence is what you have when you exercise power, and is expressed by others' behavioral response to your exercise of power.” (Schemerhorn, Organizational Behavior, 2000) . In other words, power is cause, influence is effect.
Secondly, Dominion is surrendered to the team that has a common language and occupation. Genesis 6 And the Lord said, Behold, they are one people and they have all one language; and this is only the beginning of what they will do, and now nothing they have imagined they can do will be impossible for them. Genesis 11:4,5
The bulk of the Music Cosmos has united to build a city and a tower to prevent their (unity) separating. According to the prince of the power of the air - The effect of which power all may perceive, though all do not understand the cause of it: a power unspeakably penetrating and widely diffused; but yet, as to its baneful influences, beneath the orb of believers. Satan has the influence over all his agencies. The evil spirits are united under one head, the seat of whose dominion is in the air . Two examples of the Cultural power and influence in the Cosmos is Oprah Winfrey and Coke.
First, example of the Cultural power and influence in the Cosmos according to author Marcia Z. Nelson, Oprah Winfrey is the new guru of American culture. Click here: There's no denying the power of 'the Oprah' There's no denying the power of 'the Oprah'. I wonder, has Oprah become America's pastor? In her new book, The Gospel According to Oprah, author Marcia Z. Nelson of west suburban Aurora makes a persuasive case for how Oprah, 51, may be the new Billy, at least in terms of the nonsectarian spiritual-shepherd-like function she serves in today's increasingly pluralistic culture. Nelson recalls that it was Winfrey who acted as master of ceremonies at the nation's public memorial service 12 days after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, a role that Graham, who is in poor health, likely would have filled in years past. Which might explain what happened when I heard that in a recent poll, 33 percent of respondents to an online poll at, the groovy, ever-expanding Web site that covers all kinds of religions and spiritual paths as they intersect with popular culture, said Winfrey has had "a more profound impact" on their spiritual lives than their clergypersons. Second, example of the Cultural power and influence in the Cosmos is Coke. There are more people that know the theme to coke than the Heart of God. More people have heard the coke voice (melodic theme) then the anthem of any single religion.
A truly sobering thought. More people have seen the Coke logo then the symbol of any single religion! A truly scary thought. Coke has been able to flash their theme in front of you 100s of times. This is called repetition- reputation. Coke is the worlds most recognized icon. Thus Coke has more influence than an CD project promoted by any Music Ministry.
Does, the Music Cosmos rule? The Music Cosmos rejects the personhood of Jesus. Yet it rules the Music Culture. The bulk of the Music Cosmos has united to build a city and a tower to prevent their (unity) separating. The Music Music Ministry accepts Jesus and His kingship. Yet, the Music Ministry has distanced itself in the language of dichotomy ... secular and sacred...spiritual and materialism. The bulk of the Music Ministry has united to build a city and a tower to prevent their unity.
Some of the issues in the Music Ministry are the dogma (or teaching), the doxa (or praise), entertainment, mediocrity and massiveness and Servants of Worship Click here: So Long As Music is Good by Russ Breimeier . Is the Music Ministry out of touch? Is the Music Ministry disconnected with the reality of the language, accent and modes of expression of the present Music Cosmos. Is the Music Ministry language of Massive music (Click here: Massive Church Music) counter Music Ministry Revival. The Music Ministry has not learned the language, accent and modes of expression to manifest a significant movement of God in the Music Cosmos. The Music Ministry has lost the common cultural language, accents and modes of expression of the Music Cosmos. Their can not be Music Ministry and Music Cosmos dialog unless the Music Ministry speaks the dialect of the Music cosmos (one language, one accent and mode of expression ). Music Ministry revival occurs when the Music Cosmos is astonished and the music Cosmos hears the Music Ministry speak in his own language. Acts 2:6And when this sound was heard, the multitude came together and they were astonished and bewildered, because each one heard them [the apostles] speaking in his own [particular] dialect. The Music Ministry (1) marginalizes the importance and cultivation of the arts in the church, and (2) limits the influence of the gospel in our culture by promoting art that is mediocre, at best. Music Ministry “Spirituality unconnected with real existence is like a car in neutral endlessly revving, going nowhere, while the occupants pat themselves on the back and delight at the speed at which the engine is turning over.” Loneliness is a constant reality for Christians who seriously pursue an artistic career. We are caught on the thorns of a miserable dilemma. On one hand is the church; on the other is the larger world and its art community. The nonbelieving art community, be it in the field of painting, theatre, writing, film, music or dance, has little interest in those who would express orthodox Jewish-Christian themes through their personal lives or their art-works. Yet the church is no better; it has lost vital contact with art and culture and has even lost the cultural vocabulary to discuss art and the humanities, let alone encourage artists… In the most unfortunate reaction possible, many Christians find false security through collective ignorance and deny rather than affirm, run rather than shape, endlessly say no rather than present good alternatives. The Christian who is serious about being an artist occupies, in this reactionary ghetto [of church], a place as comfortable as a live fish placed in boiling water. Franky Schaeffer, Sham Pearls for Real Swine (Brentwood, TN: Wolgemuth & Hyatt, 1990), pg. 12, 17...Francis Schaeffer. Does the Music Ministry have the power or influence to affect the Music Cosmos. It is a troubling thought that the song, CD project, mass Choir of the Music Ministry does not rival the power and influence of Coke. Coke has the power and influence over more people.
“Power is the force you use to make things happen in an intended way. Whereas influence is what you have when you exercise power, and is expressed by others' behavioral response to your exercise of power.” (Schemerhorn, Organizational Behavior, 2000) . In other words, power is cause, influence is effect.
Power Omnipotent is God's name. It is one of His attributes. God has all the power. But, Satan has the influence over all his agencies. The evil spirits are united under one head, the seat of whose dominion is in the air . The spirit that now worketh. This spirit, that of the world, of the power of the air, is the one which inspires those who live in disobedience.
Music Ministry Encouragement: “Don’t ask for power. Seek influence. It lasts longer. “ E. M. Forster: Howard’s End "All power in heaven"--the whole power of Heaven's love and wisdom and strength, "and all power in earth"--power over all persons, all passions, all principles, all movements--to bend them to thisone high object, the evangelization of the world: All this "is given unto Me." as the risen Lord of all, to be by Me placed at your command--"Go ye therefore." But there remains a
Second Encouragement: "And lo! I am with you all the days"--
There are at least five ways and techniques in which the trusted advisor employs his influence:
Questioning the trusted advisor prefers instead to question the challenging the process. attending meetings and asking questions, mostly slippery and difficult "Why do you think we have that policy? Do you recall when it was put into place? By whom? For what reasons?"
Repositioning arrive at a new position but which is convergent -- that preserves both commonality and difference more is there at the end, and the future becomes more available.
Persuading displaying executive wisdom and shrewdness about making decisions. constant dialogue with the future. heal by the influence of truth, facts and smarts. Use the power of truth telling and visioning.
Commiserating task decisions with empathetic intelligence. big, taking the high road, and caring. commiserate are made whole, and in turn lead organizations that heal and prosper.
Developing “Develop everyone you touch.”
Teamwork and the Movement of God
The Music Ministry Revival will sink or swim based on its teamwork. Could teamwork among the Music Ministry solve:
The music Ministry assignment The Music Cosmos
World Hunger
A common agenda for Music Ministry Convention-leaders
Lower the increasing divorce rate among Music Ministry couples in their 40s, 50s, 60s and even the 70s
Music Ministry and AIDS and drug dependency
Control, Distribute , Produce CD for the general Music Ministry
Sexism, classism, racism in the Music Ministry
Affordable Senior Housing for the Music Ministry
Music Ministry pension funds
Retooling the the Music Ministry from Industrial Pipe Organ, organic Piano to electronic instruments
Institute Remedial music education program for the Music Ministry
Updating resume service for the Music Ministry who is out of work
Redeem rap music into Christ-centric rap Music
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