Monday, March 6, 2006


You are on the verge of completing a major season in your life. Do NOT BACK UP! I wanted to write and encourage you to not give in to any of the enemy’s plans this month. This is a month of new conceptions. This is also a month of confronting and breaking word curses that have held you captive in the past. At the end of this message, I explain Purim. This is the month of Purim. Get ready to remove any noose the enemy has put around you to constrict you from moving into the future.

I sense that the Lord is raining mercy and grace on us. He is washing away the past season and refreshing us for the next season. He is releasing a new freedom in our hearts and giving us grace, so we let go of things that could hinder our futures. He is giving us new strength to grasp the best He has for us in days ahead. This is a season to speak faith and ask for new revelation.

The Lord spoke to me at the end of the year and said,
“Let Me rearrange your circumstances. Look deep in every circumstance around you for they are setting a new order for your life. Let Me remove your past. Do not strive to hear Me. Let your prayer life be one of asking in simple faith, and I will answer you. I will release favor so you can build your future. Let Me train your hands to prosper for building. Stake your claim on your future, and expect Me to do wondrous things on your behalf this year.”
Believe that you can be RESTORED! Restoration is the power of returning to any place where “God’s best covenant plan was deviated from.” Restoration includes reclaiming lost land, lost health, and lost joy. Restoration is linked with restitution. For instance, if a stone in your house was broken by a workman, it is substituted with another that is even better. I am declaring that every broken stone in your foundation will be replaced with new strength in the coming year.

Restoration also means the perfecting, mending, or fitting together of every detail of your life that will cause you to complete or end your race greater than how you began it. If the enemy tried to overtake you in the past, I am decreeing that you have new strength to outrun him and finish stronger in "Your Future."

This is a time to pray that what has been lost in past seasons and not recovered will be found. Thank Him for your times of discipline and days of preparation. They will be compensated with FAVOR! For every place of victory attained and every old cycle broken, expect a new mantle of favor and joy to be placed on you. Let Him become your rearguard, so the path ahead is secured for you.


This is a time where we must allow God to show us the future, so we can advance. Time is not linear the way we think. Time is in the form of a circle. Therefore, if we move toward our futures, God will restore our pasts. He will also order our paths, so that we reconcile everything that would be a hindrance to what He has ahead for us.
Learn to rule in the midst of your “Babylon”, or the world around you will try to overtake you! When I say Babylon, I am talking about the world and religious system that aligns together. Babylon will attempt to make you submit emotionally, bodily, and intellectually. Babylon will also use a combination of persecution and seducing worldly mindsets to cause you to submit to its blueprint. Be like Daniel! Do not let dainties tempt; do not let lions produce fear; do not let other leaders cause you to change your spiritual focus; do not let visitations overwhelm you. Babylon has captured so many of us in the past. Rule in the midst of your Babylon!

On Sunday, February 26, during our Sunday service at Glory of Zion, I began to be impressed with the following:

This is a time when we must not allow mistrust to rule us. The first two months of this year have been so demanding already that some of you are saying, “The horses have run over me instead of me running faster than the horses.” Ask the Lord to give you new strength and new trust. Ask Him to fill you with His Spirit in a new way so you can move forward in the place and authority He has for you.

Then the Lord said, “In the valley that I have brought you to,there is a sound that is beginning to rise. As you release this sound, the stairs of entry will open up from the valley, and you will see the hill that will give you new vision for days ahead. Release the sound in you, sing songs of deliverance, and let the shout of victory arise. This will cause you to gain the next place where I will release vision to you. This is vision that will cause you to stand firm in days ahead."

"This new vision will release new provision. Do not let storms that are brewing frighten or overtake you. I will shine upon your path, and you will walk out of this valley. Watch the enemy fall on the right and the left and stand and say, ‘Lord, show me my future.’”

The Lord then had me lead the people in the following: "Decree a new road is forming over your life. Decree a new road is forming. Decree the sun is rising. Decree that you see the stairs out of your valley and into a new place of vision. Shout, ‘My road is rising! My road is rising!’"

Then Leann Squier began to sing:
“He will not be late. He will come with faith. Though weeping and darkness endure for the night, He will break forth like the morning light. He will establish my way and set my feet on the high highway, and establish my going forth like the morning sun and establish my path like His highway. For we are destined for the mountain. We are destined for the heights. We are destined for the Holy Hill of God. We aren’t made to stay in the valley. We aren’t made to live on the plain. We’ve been called to go to the mountain of our God.”


We are entering the 12th month of the Hebraic Year. This is the month of Adar. This month has great significance. Here are some key points for this month:

  • There are things to conceive.

  • There are things to be redeemed.

  • God will wedge open your new beginning. This will allow many things to come to an end.

  • This month is the beginning of confrontations that will allow you to plunder the enemy’s camp.

  • Joy will come because of the overturning.

  • This is a month to do the opposite of... For instance, if you have anger then do the opposite.

This is not a season that we strive or manipulate any circumstance to try and see God’s will manifest in our lives and the things we are praying for. As a matter of fact, it says in (Jeremiah 33:3), “Call to Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, fenced in and hidden, which you do not know (do not distinguish and recognize, have knowledge of or understand).”

I believe if we just cry out to the Lord and watch carefully, then we will see Him rearrange circumstances and bring supernatural revelation into our life. I am watching this happen. Don’t strive as you pray for your children this year. Don’t strive over your job. Ask God for wisdom–He will release to you what you are to say and do at any given moment. He will use others divinely on your behalf. He will penetrate your cells and mind during the night season. Get to know His presence this year.


The Biblical Feast of Purim (Esther 9:18-28) is celebrated on the 13th-15th day of the Hebrew calendar twelfth month, called Adar (which is March 13-15 in the Roman Calendar). It is a very joyous feast in remembrance of the deliverance of the Jewish people from the wicked plot of Haman--the plot to annihilate them during the reign of the Persian King Xerxes I. Since Passover is celebrated biblically (Leviticus 23:4-8), beginning on the 14th of Nisan (the Biblical Hebrew First month), Purim falls exactly one month before the beginning of Passover (which is April 13-19, 2006, this year). Therefore, we are in a month of confrontation and preparation.

The 13th of Adar was the date set by Haman by casting lots (pur) to murder all Jews in the kingdom. That day, because of the fasting and intercession of Queen Esther of Persia and the Jewish people, instead became a day of battle with great victory for the Jews, as their enemies were destroyed. In our day, Adar is a time of battle and victory, a time of voluntary fasting, called the Fast of Esther (Esther 4:14-17). Esther is a non-Jewish name. Her Jewish name was Hadassah, but her Jewish identity was a secret, means "something hidden" in the Semitic language. The prophetic reference to the Church as the Bride of the King, but with Jewish roots despite a Gentile appearance, is very obvious. Esther would not escape the fate of the Jews, just as the destiny of the Church is directly linked to the Jewish people (Israel).

At Haman's request, Ahasuerus caused his scribes to send into all the realm on the 13th day of the 1st month a decree that all Jews should be put to death on the 13th day of the 12th month (Esther 3:12 ff). As the narrative shows, the wisdom of Mordecai, Esther's heroism, and fasting and prayer availed to foil the dastardly scheme of Haman, who had already built the gallows on which his hated rival should be hanged. Haman was himself hanged on this gallows, while Mordecai was honored yet more (Esther 7:10; 8:1-2).

A second decree was issued on the 23rd day of the 3rd month that on the 13th day of the 12th month (Esther 8:9,12), the day appointed in the first decree for their extermination, the Jews should gather together and defend themselves against their foes. On that fateful day not only did the Jews successfully resist the malice of their enemies, but the public officials also, seeing that the royal favor was with the Jews, espoused their cause. In Shushan, the royal city, a second day, the 14th, was granted the Jews for vengeance on their foes (Esther 9:11-16). In view of so great a deliverance, "Mordecai wrote these things .... unto all the Jews .... to enjoin them that they should keep the fourteenth day of the month Adar, and the fifteenth day of the same, yearly, as the days wherein the Jews had rest from their enemies (Esther 9:20-22).


We are entering the season of Purim. Purim was a celebration of God’s supernatural deliverance of the Jewish people from Haman’s genocidal plot to destroy them in the time of Persia’s King Xerxes I. Now is a time to pray, read, and live out the book of Esther again. God is raising up new Mordecai’s and Esther’s to influence the world in days ahead. These individuals will do radical exploits in His name.

In the time of Esther we find that the enemy had entered in the gates and was planning to overthrow the covenant blessings that God had for this people. In the book of Esther, Mordecai had exposed the enemy’s plan and taken his authority at the gate. The Lord says in (Matthew 16:18) “And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.”

This is not a time for hell to prevail at your gate. Esther is a book about seeing the destiny of God’s covenant manifest by legislating authority at the gates. The gate of a city was where all business transactions and legal matters occurred. The city gate was also the place where entrance into the city was permitted or forbidden. A Biblical Gatekeeper was one who guarded access to a place. This included a city (2 Samuel 18:26 and 2 Kings 7:10-11), a residence (John 18:17), the sacred precincts of the ark (1 Chronicles 15:23-24), or the Temple (1 Chronicles 23:5).
Temple gatekeepers were charged with preventing anyone unclean from entering the Temple (2 Chronicles 23:19) and with guarding the Temple treasuries and storehouses (1 Chronicles 9:26; 26:20-22; Nehemiah 12:25). Mordecai was a good gatekeeper. He knew the enemy had a plot and plan. He also knew he had to have a connection to prevent the enemy’s plan from prevailing. Esther was his connection who had been positioned by God for “such a time as this.”


Many of you are positioned to see the plan of the enemy. This is also a year of divine connections. Others of you are being positioned to be the connecting point to overthrow the enemy. I am praying for you that any plot of the enemy to try and stop the covenant blessings of your inheritance from coming forth in your life would be revealed. Find your divine connections and overthrow the enemy’s plan!

This is time to overthrow decrees that have been set against God’s covenant people that would stop us from corporately advancing. Those anti-Semitic decrees hate God’s sovereign plan for the Jews, as well as Christians, that have been grafted into that plan. Nations that profess Christianity must rise up now.

Esther prayed and fasted three days prior to setting the wheels in motion to overthrow the enemy’s plan. I would suggest you begin this period with three days of fasting. Fast, as God leads you. This will prepare you for what you must face for your victory ahead.

Be sure to read Psalm 122 and pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Decree that the gates of your city and our nation will become secure. Declare that no weapon formed against you will prosper (Isaiah 54:17).

by Chuck Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries

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