Monday, March 6, 2006

Prayer for Marriages, Families, and Relationships

The following letter will outline for you:
A.    Prayer for marriages, families, and relationships.
Prayer for Marriages, Families, and Relationships
Prophetic Insight: God desires to strengthen and heal relationships in marriages, families, friendships, in the work place and in church. The Lord revealed that a spirit of offense is attempting to destroy relationships. I saw acts of offense opening up evil vortexes  in the second heaven which was downloading strife, confusion, judgments, etc , into homes, churches and other relational environments. Love, forgiveness, mercy and the understanding of the cross are the church's greatest weapon against the destructive force of offense. When believers walk in love, forgiveness and mercy, they open up portals of glory over their lives from the third heaven.

Prayer Directives

  1. Pray that believers will repent from any and all offense, bitterness, unforgiveness, criticism and judgments against spouses, family members, friends, co-workers and fellow church members.
  2. Pray for healing for any broken relationships.
  3. Pray for strengthening of marriages, family and other relationships.
  4. Believe for the love of Christ to dwell richly in every Christian.
  5. Pray for a revelation of the cross (death to selfish ambition, desires, etc).
  6. Pray for a restoration and healing of broken marriages in the Body.
  7. Believe for the hearts of the fathers to return to the children and the children to the fathers.
  8. Pray for those who are single who desire to be married. Pray for divinely appointed marriages.
  9. Pray for Christians to shine in the work place and to build strong, godly relationships with the lost. Believe for favor.
  10. Pray for rich relationships in churches and for tensions in relationship to be resolved.

Bless you all...thanks a million!




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