Sunday, November 2, 2008

Piano Runs I Won’t Complain

I Won’t Complain

Here is a reason why musicians (pianist) should never complain about the rigors of practice. Presently, I have been studying 2, 3, 4 finger piano runs. But, Disabled Pianist Lee Hee-ah is about to Release Her First Album. Lee Hee-ah, 20, a disabled pianist who is making a deep impression on many people around the world by playing the piano despite having only four fingers, will release her first album.

Lee Hee-ah has only 4 fingers due to Phocomelia. Phocomelia is a “congenital malformation” of development.

Phocomelia syndrome Definition
Phocomelia is a “congenital malformation” of development where the upper appendage of an arm or leg is absent so the hands or feet are attached to the body like stumps. The word phocomelia combines phoco—denoting seal and melia—denoting limb to signify a “limb like a seal’s flipper"[1] Although various numbers of factors can cause phocomelia, the prominent roots come from the drug use of thalidomide and from genetic inheritance. The occurrence of this malformation in an individual results in various abnormalities to the face, limbs, ears, nose, vessels and many other underdevelopments. The best fix for phocomelia is prevention of a pregnant woman taking thalidomide during pregnancy and prosthesis. Although operations can be done to fix the abnormality it is difficult due to the lack of nerves, bones, and other related structures.
Causes Thalidomide
Thalidomide is an “oral medication” prescribed today to cure certain skin conditions such as: leprosy, Behcet’s disease, dermatomyositis, and is currently being assessed for containment of HIV-related disease[2] (Thalidomide Article). According to Diane Calabrase and Teresa Odle, other studies propose thalidomide “can slow or stop the spread of cancer of the brain, breast colon, prostate, as well as multiple myeloma”[3] Although thalidomide has proven to be beneficial in many respects, if used during pregnancy, the effects on the fetus can be fatal.

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