Friday, November 14, 2008

Kenya: Nairobi Orchestra in 60th Anniversary Gala Concert

Kenya: Nairobi Orchestra in 60th Anniversary Gala Concert
East African Business Week (Kampala)
9 November 2008Posted to the web 10 November 2008
Brian Coutinho

Nairobi Orchestra has organized 60th Anniversary Gala Concert come Saturday 15th November at Braeburn Theatre, Nairobi. The concert will see guest conductor, Damian Penfold and guest soloist, Ivan Kiwuwa. Visiting conductor Damian Penfold has conducted two Christmas concerts here, in 2004 and 2006 and he makes a very welcome return. He has a lot of experience with amateur and professional musicians and was a finalist in the highly prestigious International Sibelius Competition for young conductors.

He conducted a programme of Vaughan Williams' music in London in September and, since this year is also the 50th anniversary of that composer's death we are, at Damian's suggestion, including Vaughan Williams' lyrical Norfolk Rhapsody. Perfomers will incude Nicolai of Merry Wives of Windsor Overture, Schumann the Piano Concerto, Grixti, an Australian in Kenya and others. Ivan Kiwuwa a visiting soloist is a Ugandan pianist, who delighted audiences when he gave an NMS recital at the Kenya National Theatre two years ago.

Graduate, postgraduate and now Fellow of the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London, Ivan is the winner of many prizes and scholarships, including the Martin Musical Scholarship, the Sevenoaks Festival Young Musician of the Year and the Royal Overseas League's Philip Crawshaw Memorial Prize

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