Saturday, May 10, 2008

Fortifi@ Radio #21 Seven Secrets to a Strengthened Music Ministry pt3

3.    Music Humility births and strengthens your passion

a.    Humility is the recognition of what you don’t have

b.    Humility birth the awareness  of your self

c.     Humility makes you aware of your unique ness of what you don’t have

d.    honor  is the recognition and rewarding of difference

4.    Music strength is ability to remain uninfluenced and unmoved by evil

a.    power unchanged by evil influence

b.    knowledge multiply strength

c.     knowledge multiply strength

d. strength is proportionate to knowledge

5.    Strength of the mentorship impartation of knowledge gained by personal experience

a.    trust decides wisdom

                                                             i.      you will have to have an unprecedented trust in a mentor

b.    Passionate learner is one that pursues a mentor

c.     if I know who you trust I can predict your future

d.     Your decisions decide your future and your wealth

  1. Your weakness in Music Ministry is your unwilling to weakness

    1. Staff your weakness

    2. Find your Strength

                                                             i.      Stay in your lane strength

    1. Strength is your ability bring your gift to a high level of development

    2. highest level

    3. your strength will compensate for your weakness

    4. Your weakness is your  unwillingness to find your strength and bring it to a high level


7.   Strongly Stir up the gift of God stir up, ajnazwpurevw, Anazopureo to kindle up, inflame one's mind, strength, zeal

a.    Only Three Things Matters

                                                             i.      Holy Spirit only person who knows your Gift

1.    Holy spirit knows the season of your:

2.    preparation

3.     or destination

                                                          ii.      Music Assignment is the reason for living

1.    your assignment will give you

a.     significance

b.     worth

                                                        iii.      Seed your Music is the Lords provision and your life’s income

b.    Stir up the gift of God." stir up, ajnazwpurevw, Anazopureo to kindle up, inflame one's mind, strength, zeal

                                                             i.      The gift is not something we learn.

                                                          ii.      It is something God gave us.

                                                        iii.      It is something we need to discover and then stir up.

                                                        iv.      No one else can activate your gift for you.

c.     You have to do it yourself. 

d.    You stir up your gift by developing, refining, enhancing, and using it.

e.    That's where education comes in

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