Saturday, April 26, 2008

Fortifi@ Radio 19 Character The 7 Characteristics of a Music Protégé part 2

 Increase and growth are a characteristic that God built into every thing He created. Life is a condition that distinguishes organisms ...being manifested by growth through metabolism and reproduction. Living things are systems that tend to respond to changes in their environment, and inside themselves, in such a way as to promote their own continuation. Stagnant musicians are unable to react to the music surrounding.

The 4 characteristiccs of protégé personality type Journal of Applied Social Psychology Volume 31 Issue 12 Page 2502-2517, December 2001 Ellen A. Fagenson-Eland, S. Gayle Baugh (2001) Personality Predictors of Protégé Mentoring History Journal of Applied Social Psychology 31 (12) , 2502–2517 doi:10.1111/j.1559-1816.2001.tb00187.x
  1. need for achievement

    1. (Need for Achievement) is a term introduced by David McClelland into the field of psychology, referring to an individual's desire for significant accomplishment, mastering of skills, control, or high standards.

  2. need for music dominance

    1. mastery of music skills

    2. music leadership

  3.  self-esteem

    1. self-esteem (Wikipedia) reflects a person's overall self-appraisal of their own worth

    2. self-worth

    3. self-regard

    4. self-respect

    5. self-confidence (a sometimes disparaging term which can suggest excessive self-regard [more than self-esteem])

    6. self-love (which can express overtones of self-promotion)

  4. and tension dissipation)

A musician who mentors himself has a fool for a student. The Music student needs a mentor. The music student is a protégé. A music protégé is a learner. A wise protégé is lifetime learner. Once a protégé always a protégé. The protégé is a student for life. Every protégé will need a mentor to produce and sustain success for music on the next level. In contrast, every diligent protégé can produce a significant song in a lifetime. ‘In the music industry, a one-hit wonder is a protégé generally known for only one hit single. There are hundreds of one-hit wonders. The term one-hit wonder has also been applied to musicians who have only one major success” Wikipedia.

The music protégé may need more than one mentor.

 The protégé may be mentored in the following areas:

  • Musically

  • Spiritually

  • Mentally

  • financially

  • Physically

  • Emotionally

  • Socially

When the protégé is ready, the mentor will appear. In contrast to a protégé, a mentor is a lifetime music coach. Music teachers are mentors because they remember what they learned. Great music consists of melodies, harmonies, and rhythm based on long mentorship. The music mentor will mapquest the music protégé to the next level. Optimist, the mentor will serve a music meal without taking you to the kitchen. 

Thus the music chain of command flows from the mentor to the protégé. The music chain of command flows downward. The music chain of music command flows from the top down. The music chain of command flows down, not up. The music chain of authority flows from the Chenaniah to the assigned musicians. The name “Chenaniah” means preparation, or disposition, or strength, of the Lord. The music chain of authority is essential. Music wisdom is the ability to differentiate between Chenaniah-mentor and the protégé. Music honor is the act of pleasing Chenaniah - musicians over you. Hear exodus 20 in light of what I have shared. Honor your music parents-teachers – Chenaniah in the Lord.

Exodus 20:12 (New King James Version) 12 “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the LORD your God is giving you.


Every problem in the music industry and music ministry can be traced to a problem with music wisdom and honor. The music industry and music ministry is plagued with musicians who won’t honor God- and refuses to honor the music neighbor as yourself. Honor thy father and mother; and, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. The assignment of every protégé is to sow honor to your music teacher.

7 protégé in Scripture 

  1. A protégé is a Learner

    1. Become a protégé of wisdom

    2. A music Protégé:

                i.      never forget he is music learner

               ii.      is a student for lifetime

              iii.      Pursues

1.    pursuit is the price of unending impartation

            iv.      never ask advice that he will not

1.    the learner always follow the mentors advice

             v.      maintains confidence during the mentors crisis

          vi.      servanthood is the seed for impartation

  1. Protégé can distinguish his status

    1. difference am I a learner or leader

    2. A protégés success quality is measured in the the energy expended in pursuit

    3. Protégés  will  move toward the dream of their desire

  2. Pursuit is a trait for becoming a Protégé

    1. Their are different levels of protégés

    2. In the bible:

        i.      12 disciples they distinguished themselves

        ii.      3 disciples prayer time they distinguished themselves

1.    attitude distinguished them

        iii.      1 disciple John put his head on Jesus

1.    closer protégés got the greatest gift

    1. persistence reaps level of reward

                    i.      servanthood

    1. protégé is not the advisor to the mentor

    2. protégés have the same agenda of the Mentor

  1. Protégé can distinguish and recognize a teacher=mentor

    1. Mentors: Spiritual financial relationship

    2. Uncommon patience

    3. Repeat instruction a million times

    4. Knows more know the protégé

    5. Mentor will not control you

    6. Experience life coach

    7. Time, access necessary for impartation

    8. #1 problem solver for the protégé

    9. more interest in your success

    10. mentor will survive outlast protégé

    11. the protégé will not reach his destiny without the mentor

    12. mentor fells the pain of the protégé but he is not captivated by it

  2. Protégés underwrite

    1. Protégé purchase the books, tapes and literature of the mentor

    2. Protégés sit in the presence of the mentor

    3. Protégé listen to and follow directions of the mentor

    4. protégé privilege and responsibility to underwrite the vision of the mentor

  3. Pain is a trait of the protégé

    1. Pain is proof that correction

    2. when the mentor stops correcting, it is the most dangerous day

    3. mentors feel the pain of the protégé without being influenced by the pain

    4. pain is the proof that something is out of place

    5. Pain is a motivator for order

  4. Protégé is not the mentors “friend”

    1. Mentor loves the protégé too much to allow the protégé to remain the same

    2. all of Gods advice He puts in a mentors mouth

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