Saturday, April 12, 2008

Fortifi@ Radio #18 7 Things to Do While Waiting Character and Maturity Part2

Character and Maturity

7 Things to Do While Waiting


Maturity: 7 Things to Do While Waiting

  1. Build Endurance

    1. Don’t faint or give up

    2. You do not have the right to anything that you have not pursued

    3. Discontent is a part of the searcher in you

    4. Finish the assignment in front of you

    5. Testify

1.    Teach the lessons of waiting and expectations

    1. Finish the job before you

2. Be Compassionate

  1. Document the present serve the seed of servanthood

  2. Start where you are at

  3. Look for someone in your environment that needs encouragement during their delay

a)    Pick up other men’s burdens

b)    Deliver others

c)     Sorrowful moments are overwhelming

a.    focus on others in trouble will give you strength

    1. Serve amusic meal without taking everybody to the Kitchen

1.    If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen

  1. Be Strengthened

    1. Waiting develops strength and power

    2. Power is the ability to remain uninfluenced

    3. Power is unaffected by outside influences

    4. Develop strength to postpone pleasure

    5. Develop a strategy and resistance to things and people that sabotage your faith

    6. Waiting requires and develops confident humility.

    7. Waiting requires and develops inextinguishable hope

  2. Be Steadfast

    1. Drill oil where you are

    2. Waiting is divine

    3. The Lord is good to those who wait and reap in due season

    4. Waiting births the sensation of hope -looking fo ward to something

    5. Anticipation creates a sensation. The sensation has a pleasure to it

    6. Waiting produces a spiritual pregnancy

1.    1 Corinthians 15:19 If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.

  1. Party! Celebrate while waiting

    1. Have a party Celebrate the present-turn the present into a mega party

b.    Make the present into the dream you thought about while WAITING ON GOD
    1. Sit at somebody’s feet

    2. Retrieve old positive memories and recapture them

    3. Bring your own cake and fireworks toys to the playhouse

    4. Celebrate the present-turn the present into a mega party

    5. Like Joseph replay your desired dream

    6. meditate

1.    perform like a ruler-

2.    develop an persona of leader

3.    develop authority act like a leader

4.    act as if the answer is

5.    walking like the person you are to be

    1. Cost of the future is the present

    2. Reputation of integrity

    3. Don’t leave the chariot to chase the peasant throwing tomatoes

    4. Develop Control discretion -pain reveals correction to be made.

    5. look for unhappy faces problems are gates getting along with unhappy people

    6. Everything you need-want is in your immediate arena

    7. Divine timing

1.    seek the Lord while He may be found

    1. Hold your mule-Impatience is deadly

    2. The answer is hidden in a common thing. It is hidden in front of you

1.    realize the answer and see what is in your present

    1. Inventory every good thing in your present

    2. Something in yourpresent is the key to the future

6. Manage Greatness

  1. Greatness is the Ability not to react to smallness

  2. Sit at somebody’s feet

  3. Birth sensation of hope looking for ward to something

  4. Anticipation creates a sensation has a pleasure to it

  5. Extract every instruction

1.    Act under command

2.    Prepare for new contingencies and commands

3.    Wait for the command and instructions. Do nothing until the command is given.

4.    Waiting in prayer is a disciplined refusal to act before God acts.

    1. Perform acts of obedience

    2. Extract every daily instruction

    3. Update your dream! Turn your barn into a palace

    4. Document  the advantages of the present

1.    Document the present serve the seed of servanthood

2.    Start where you are at

  1. Manage the pain of waiting

    1. discuss it with God

    2. Deal with the pain. pain multiplied is dangerous

    3. pain should birth an explosion of questions

    4. ask God to make us healers

    5. Recover! you can get back up

    6. Some pain is unavoidable

1.    Anticipate, acknowledge and address pain

    1. pain is a signal that something must be changed

                    i. pain that is ignored will increases

                   ii. pain is an indication that a deeper problem exist

    1. unattended pain will affect everything around you

1.    pain has a reason

    1. The purpose of pain is to avoid pain

1.    we live under the threat of pain in order to correct conduct

    1. learn obedience through pain

    2. pain is a seed for promotion endurance and  reigning  with God

Waiting is the acceptable price exchange for blessing and promotion


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