Saturday, March 15, 2008

Fortifi@ Radio 16 Character: 7 Secret Issues in the Confession Booth Part 2

The Music Ministry apology will make it possible for God to forgive you (Matthew 6:14-15,

 7 Secret Issues in the Confession Booth

  1. Apology to God, others , and yourself

    1. Upward apology

    2. Apology to others

                                                             i.      musician

                                                          ii.      family

    1. Apologize and forgive yourself

    2. An apology

                                                             i.      stops further prosecution

                                                          ii.       is asking for forgiveness

                                                        iii.       effectual apology will prepare a statement of regret

                                                        iv.       is a request for acceptance

                                                           v.       is a regret over past conduct or behavior

                                                        vi.      Sustains honorable relationships

                                                      vii.      Shows your vulnerability

                                                   viii.      Demonstrate your guilt

                                                        ix.      Says that you made a mistake

                                                           x.      Is a golden bride to restoration

                                                        xi.      Authentic feelings from the heart

                                                      xii.      Says that I brought you hurt

                                                   xiii.      Is an admission of failure

                                                    xiv.      Recovery and restoration

                                                      xv.      Confession is apology

  1. Take responsibility for the situation

    1. acknowledgement of the hurt or damage done

    2. make a detailed account of the situation

    3. make a statement of regret

    4. recognition of your role in the event

    5. make a promise that it won't happen again

  2. Prepare a form of restitution whenever possible

    1. Prepare a restitution and Payment schedule

  3. Build a bridge to possible Negotiations

    1. Golden bridge to restoration

  4. Articulate an Effectual apology

    1.  then stop discussing what you want others to forget

  5. Be Humble

    1. Be ready to apologize

    2. We further engage to watch over one another in brotherly love, to remember each one in prayer, to aid each other in sickness and distress; to cultivate Christian sympathy in feeling and courtesy in speech; to be slow to take offense, but always ready for reconciliation, and mindful of the rules of our Savior, to secure it without delay.

  6. An apology is a investment to a renewed friendship or music business relationship

    1. Apology is a request for reentry into a relationship or business

    2. Renews transactions of business arrangement

    3. a request for mercy

    4. Silences further prosecutions further murmuring

    5. You may have to reestablish new credibility

    6. Purpose of Friendship removes discomfort

    7. Seed command cooperate with offer

    8. Confession of need with relation ship

    9. Show mercy

    10. An apology stops further persecution, ridicule, murmuring

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