Sunday, February 10, 2008

Fortifi@ Radio Character-Getting Musical without Sorrow part2

7 Steps to building Character Getting Musical without Sorrow

1)    Remind yourself most great musicians experience great inner sorrow

a)    Psalmist David was emotional

b)    Great musicians are successful by their reactions to sorrow

i)      Great musician string failure without losing focus

c)     Some personality types are prone towards depression

d)    Depression is a manner family generations deal with problems


2)    Regularly review your personal music achievements

a)     Review the days of achievement and Favor

b)    rehearse music victories

i)      David reviewed his victories and encouraged himself

ii)    Moses stack up stones of remembrance Ebenezer

c)     Acknowledge and celebrate every good character trait and quality in you

d)    Pray in the spirit for the good things in your life

e)    Attention is a seed

i)      Attention is a seed

ii)     give attention to the right people in your life

iii) deemphasize the negative circumstances in life

f)      Resize our music experiences

i)      Use your mind to get a real perspective on the circumstances

ii)    Make mountain into pebbles

iii) Make pebbles into mountain

g)    List all of God’s blessings

h)    Record human and Godly favor

3)    Accept the responsibility of remotivating yourself toward changes

a)    Use pictures

b)    Use music books, CDs, DVDs to correct focus

c)     You are responsible for motivationg yourself

d)    Success is when you go from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm

e)    Give Thanksgiving

f)      Find your distinction and difference from others

4)    Look for someone in your environment that needs encouragement

a)    Pick up other musicians burdens

b)    Help deliver others

c)     focus on others in trouble will give you strength

i)      Sorrowful moments are overwhelming


5)    Select for 3 small changes to make to remove some of the stress in your life

a)    Develop pre-concert and post concert routines that get you motivated, normalized and natural

b)    Change the end of your day with a routine change

i)      turn phone off at a regular hour

ii)    establish rituals that mitigate the loneliness

iii) tea

iv)  every battle is a mind battle

v)    read a book

vi)  go to the secret place

c)     establish daily routine changes that are small

d)    read! favorite books authors

6)    Work on your worship routine

a)    worship is the correction of focus

i)      be careful!

(1)men like to think,

(2)women like to talk,

(3)musicians like to perform

b)    recite the scriptures

i)      in the beginning recitation may be hypocritical but reciting the right things will change you

c)     sing to God

d)    labor and fight to get out of the pit

e)    everything good thing is on the other side of depression

f)      discouragement is proof that something went work

7)    Monitor your reactions to disappointment and sorrow

a)    Great men are successful because of the way they react to failure

b)    Great is

c)     Identify the area of your disappointments

i)      Loss of faith

ii)    Loss of heart

iii) Physically fit-don’t get depressed

iv)  Postal employees

v)    Knowledge is strength against the forces

vi)  List problems break them down into pebbles

d)      Monitor your reaction to sorrow

e)      Sorrow can make great men great


Fortifi@ Radio Character-Getting Musical without Sorrow part1

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