Saturday, February 16, 2008

Fortifi@ Radio #13 Cliff Notes The Music Ministry Code of Honor Character Honor and Dishonor Part1

The Music Ministry Code of Honor


Honor and Dishonor

Radio #13


"Mine honour is my life, both grow in one. Take honour from me, and my life is done. Then, dear my liege, mine honour let me try; In that I live, and for that I will die." — William Shakespeare, Richard II (1.1.182-185)


One of the prominent issues during the 2008 Grammy award ceremony was honor. I define honor as the ability to recognize the value of other’s. Music society may naturally, honor the music legends, pioneers, innovators, novice, highest grossing labels, leader in a styled music, music good deeds.


Can the Music Industry tribute the music achievements of the music community while ignoring their inappropriate public behavior. Can the music ministry separate personal character and personal judgment from the Grammy, Stella, Dove awards and also tragic music events.


Every negative issue between the music industry and others has a seed of dishonor.Every dilemma in the Music Ministry is a transgression of honor. Every sin is a sin of dishonor. There is a dishonorable music that emanates from certain sectors of society. This dishonorable sector dishonors women, marketing of violence and misogyny, sexist, sexually explicit, obscene lyrics. Rap's not the only misogynistic music!


Natalie Cole highlights the dilemma in the Music Industry by stating:



























"I don't think she ( Amy Winehouse's) should have won. I think it sends a bad message to our young people who are trying to get into this business, the ones who are trying to do it right and really trying to keep themselves together ... We have to stop rewarding bad behavior. I'm sorry. I think the girl is talented, gifted, but it's not right for her to be able to have her cake and eat it too. She needs to get herself together." --Eight time Grammy Award winning diva Natalie Cole on Amy Winehouse's sweep of the 50th Annual Grammy Awards. (People)

  1. Do your private habitual problems and issues disqualify you from privately/publicly criticizing others.

  2. Suppose you have some private habitual problems that are troubling you. Is it okay to publicly attend to these problems while ministering on Sundays?

  3. What options might you have to register your dissatisfaction with inappropriate public behavior?

  4. What other options might you have to register your dissatisfaction with inappropriate music product?

  5. Is it ethical to reward drug dependant musicians?

  6. Suppose you have some serious personal problems that are troubling you. Is it okay to attend to these problems while ministering on Sundays?

  7. To what degree (or under what circumstances)do you think it's okay to deal with your own personal affairs while ministering to people on Sundays?

  8. What, if any, responsibilities does an musician have to the his or her music ministry co-workers? Explain your answers, giving examples if you can.

  9. Suppose your music label instructs you to do something unethical or illegal. What responsibility do you have to that music label ?

  10.  Suppose a music promoter instructs you to do something unethical or illegal. What responsibility do you have to that music promoter?

  11.  What is a radio kickback scheme?
    - Is it ethical? What's wrong with it?
    - What impact does it have on the music industry and its customers?

  12. How does a negative attitude affect other choir/praise team members in the workplace?

  13. Suppose you are getting paid less than you think you deserve. Could that justify stealing from the record company or goofing off on the job? Explain your answer.

  14. What other options might you have to remedy your dissatisfaction?

One of the salient issues in the 2008 Music Industry-Music Ministry is public and Private Behavior, Public Responsibility. The Music Ministry must consider leading and living life at a higher standard. Their is a code of conduct that honors God. Our message to the Music Industry is void of condemnation. Our conduct is guided by 2 principles, to Love God and love our fellow (music) neighbor as ourselves. These 2 guidingprinciples will lead us to be:

  1. truthful and resolute

  2. self imposed sacrifices

  3. responsibility to the world and posterity

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