Saturday, January 26, 2008

Fortifi@ Radio Broadcast #10 Music Epiphany Part2

7 Signs that Reveal the Character of Musicians


                      Phil Bingham



3)  The Character of Musicians is revealed by their response to their own promises and responsibilities

a)    Pay bills

b)    Do you owe money to someone and never pay back

c)      We know your character by the way you handle money


4)  The Character of Musicians is revealed by their response to their reaction to correction and authority

a)     Beware of musicians that disregard authority that can discipline them

a)     Reaction to warnings

a.    Package uncovered

b.    Come thru people don’t like

c.     There is not one voice that can destroy you it is your reaction to the wrong voice

                                     i.      Samson did not listen to his father

b)     Reaction to loss

a.    Knowledge of gain

b)     Beware of musicians that do not know chain of authority

<P class='MsoNormalstyle="MARGIN-TOP:' align=left -0.5in? TEXT-INDENT: 2.25in; MARGIN-LEFT: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM:>i)                  Listen to musician’s reaction to authority (parents, music icons, forerunners

ii)                Reactions to pastoral, governmental authority

                                            i.      Reaction to a leader

                                            ii.      Boss, mentor, parent

                                           iii.      Profile of the rebellious prince

                                            iv.      Absalom spirit

                                             v.      Man over your life


5)  The Character of Musicians is revealed by their response to the presence of Greatness

a) Note the musicians that put a value of great musicians

      1. many great musician know the secrets of music success

    1. Reaction to unbeliever-many of the great musicians do not have a personal relationship with God

    2. Conversational listening is a life saver

    3. Reaction to a difference (styles, genres)


6)  The Character of Musicians is revealed by their response to the to hurting people

1.    Reaction to aged-feeble

a.    No equality in knowledge or experience

b.    Difference is aged

c.     Aged choose conversation at the table

d.    You will be promoted chosen by someone over you (aged)

e.    Age positions you

f.      Youth is unproven and  untested

1.    Novice inexperienced

g.    Lack of honor to the aged will destroy culture

h.    Youth is not the nation

i.       Music Aged have first honor

1.    Secret of Japanese culture

a) And what does the LORD require of you
      But to do justly,
      To love mercy,
      And to walk humbly with your God?

7)  The Character of Musicians is revealed by their response to theto music instruction

a)  Beware of musicians that can not follow a divine music instruction

b) Never do business with a musician that will rob God

c)  Beware of musicians and they react to a music instruction

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