Saturday, November 10, 2007

Fortifi@ Radio #9 The four Cs of Great Solo Careers part2

There is a downside to every solo gift. What ever aspect of the soloist gift you countenance, it is counterbalanced by:

1.    Fighting rejection and depression

2.    Soloist grief, toil and sorrow

3.    Soloist maintenance responsibilities

a.    Vocal Health

b.    Monetary

c.     Relationships

d.    Imbalances

4.    Whoever/Whatever has brought joy to your soloist career can take it away

a.    Sexism

b.    Racism

c.     Contracts

d.    Managers (Producers, engineers, lawyers and accountants)

e.    “friends”

f.      fellow artist

5.    Unhealthy competition and rivalry

a.    Professional jealousy (Salieri had it for Mozart)

                                                                i.      Salieri "Your merciful God: He destroyed his own beloved [Mozart], rather than let a mediocrity share in the smallest part of his glory. He killed Mozart and kept me alive to torture. Thirty-two years of slowly watching myself become extinct. Mediocrity everywhere: I absolve you!"


The majority of soloists begin their music ministry with sincere motives and pure hearts. Do soloists fail in their music ministry because they minor in major issues and major in minor things? Perhaps, some soloists worship themselves, work at their play, and play at their worship I hope that you will be encouraged and refocused by a review of this article. How do soloist achieve effective music ministry?


The effective music singers countenance music wisdom. Music wisdom is the ability to discern the differences in the soloist. The difference between singers is their competence, compatibility, character, and sense of humor. The main distinction between you and the other singers is your time management of music competence, compatibility and character and sense of humor.

1)    Soloist (comedy) Humor:

a)    Great solo careers and ministry are attributed to the combination of the 4 cs. Great singers have been able to distinguish themselves in the area of competence, compatibility, character and comedy. Singers are some of the most humorous people I know. All solo work and no play can a soloist a tragic person. A dose of humor makes the disappointments of solo singing more palatable. The joy of the Lord has sustained the tragic lives of the soloist. A dose of playfulness can make the long rehearsals and regimens of singer so faster. All solo work and no play makes you unbalalned All ministries and no human make the soloist a dull bird.


Last week, I read a church bulletin that read:


“the pastor will preach his farewell sermon, after which the soloist will sing, "Break Forth Into Joy."….the afternoon’s guest speaker will preach “How much can a man drink? Followed by hymns from the soloist backed by a full choir

The Fellowship Hall concert last night was a great success. Congratulations to the minister's daughter, who labored the whole evening at the piano, which as usual fell upon her, she also sang “Him” 47: "Hark! an awful voice is sounding" The soloist sang briefly, much to the delight of the audience.

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