Monday, September 24, 2007

Music Exaggerations Truthful Lies and Great Beginnings #3

Music Exaggerations Truthful Lies and Great Beginnings

  1. Assess the extravagant exaggerated environment

                                                             i.      Identify emerging needs

                                                          ii.      Needs change daily

                                                        iii.      Develop 3 possible solutions

                                                        iv.      Identify illegitimate needs

    1. extravagant exaggerated environments have excessive grace

                                                             i.      review assess, clarify, confirm your extravagant exaggerated music environment

                                                          ii.      write 3 statements about your music strengths

                                                        iii.      Collect a reservoir of your past victories

                                                        iv.      Goals remind your of your greatness

                                                           v.      Write goals so you will be energized

                                                        vi.      Your mind can not differentiate emotion and reality feed imagination

                                                      vii.      write a music strengths weekly plan\

                                                   viii.      daily read scriptures that that affirm and pertain to your music strengths

                                                        ix.      read books that pertain to your strength

                                                           x.      choose a daily act that celebrates your strengths

                                                        xi.      every 3 months review assess, clarify, confirm your music strengths

  1. –Identify 10 other people in your area that demonstrate and execute extravagant exaggerated music environ

    1. Invest time in questioning your music family concerning music mentors

    2. Value their opinions

    3. Questions reveal music leaders

    4. read, study and listen to extravagant exaggerated music of other great musicians

    5. write a plan to establish fellowship and relationship with them

    6. recognize your mentor

    7. support the extravagant exaggerated music environ of your mentors

  2. –Identify and support protégés that are trying to develop extravagant exaggerated music environ

  3. –Write to develop and produce a music environ that daily nurtures a new extravagant exaggerated music work

    1. encourage yourself

    2. develop a daily prayer ability into a conversation confession style with God

    3. you need a confessional

    4. you can not confide in a lower vessel (child) they can’t process it

    5. decide 2 pleasurable events for your life a day

    6. how you begin the day

    7. how you end the day

    8. pain will schedule itself minimize it by pleasure

    9. worry is not prayer thoughts are not prayer

    10. daily sing/play a song that is dedicated to God

    11. memorize a scripture on the subject you wantto be an authority

    12. daily worship and meditation

    13. follow the first music prompting of the Holy Spirit

    14. start and complete music measures, excerpts, and projects


Save the extravagant exaggerated music activity gift for daily fellowship with God and the people of God.

  1. Daily song  to God

  2. Daily meditation and worship

  3. Daily music response to the Holy Spirit

 Extravagant exaggerated daily private devotion will eventually be acknowledged publicly. Matthew 6:6 "Here's what I want you to do: Find a quiet, secluded place so you won't be tempted to role-play before God. Just be there as simply and honestly as you can manage. The focus will shift from you to God, and you will begin to sense his grace. Psalm 34:3O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together

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