Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Max Lucado Stepping Aside as Senior Minister

Max Lucado Stepping Aside as Senior Minister By
The Associated Press
Wed, Mar. 14 2007 01:57 PM ET

SAN ANTONIO, Texas (AP) — Citing health reasons, prolific Christian author Max Lucado is stepping aside as senior pastor of his San Antonio megachurch but plans to continue writing at least one new book each year.

"I will probably write more," Lucado, 52, told The Associated Press on Tuesday in a phone interview, explaining that he would have more free time.

Lucado, whose books have sold more than 40 million copies, is suffering from a type of heart arrhythmia but is confident the condition can be treated. He announced to the Oak Hills Church congregation on Sunday that he was leaving the senior minister post and would assist in finding a successor.

"I'm not really leaving the church or leaving the staff, I'm just moving into a different area here at the church. This is actually something I have considered for quite some time," he said.

Lucado, who is physically active and participated in a half ironman triathlon last year, began feeling dizzy last summer, which led to the diagnosis.

"My heart just gets out of rhythm," he said. "On days it's misbehaving, I'm really not worth shooting."

He said he approached church elders two weeks ago about his condition, which leaves him extremely fatigued.

"I said I'm not able to do the job I want to do, and I'm not able to do what the church needs. I suggested if it would be agreeable to them, I would stay on the staff as a writer and occasional preacher, and they said fine," he said. "It was a very emotional meeting, a very sad meeting, but we all sensed it being God's plan."

The then-500-member Oak Hills Church of Christ hired the Abilene Christian University graduate as pulpit minister in 1988. In 2003, Oak Hills, which has grown to 5,000 members, dropped the "Church of Christ" from its name — an effort to reach people hesitant to attend a Church of Christ.

Reader's Digest has called Lucado "America's Best Preacher." His more than 50 books include "Just Like Jesus," "In the Grip of Grace" and "When God Whispers Your Name."

Lucado and his wife, Denalyn, have three daughters.

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