away the sin of the world!"
(JOHN 1:29)
Happy Passover!
Even before I knew Yeshua as my Messiah, Passover was my favorite Jewish holiday.
My family would gather around a festive table for the Seder (holiday meal). With all of my cousins at the table, the story of Passover would be told from the Haggadah (a book), explaining the story of Moses and the Exodus. How the Jewish people were in slavery in Egypt. Moses confronting Pharaoh and the 10 plagues, how the firstborn was spared by the blood of the lamb, and how God parted the Red Sea and delivered the Jewish people from slavery and bondage in Egypt. This year Passover is from April 3-10.
In 1987 at Passover, as a university student, I accepted Yeshua (Jesus) through studying the Messianic prophecies. Passover took on a whole new meaning for me! All those scriptures about Passover and the sacrificial lamb made sense to me.
Passover is revealed in many Messianic prophecies and this will be fully explained when our Messianic Prophecy Bible is completed. The prophecies are everywhere.
But what I find so amazing is how God's fulfillment of prophecy is so perfect down to the hour! There is absolutely no way that this could be a coincidence!
Part of the biblical Passover practice was that the lamb, which would be used for the Passover, was to be set aside on the 10th day of the month of Nissan. It was then to be tested until the 14th day to be certain it was without spot or blemish before it was killed.
Yeshua as the Passover Lamb was also set aside on the 10th day of the Nissan, because it was on this day that He entered Jerusalem, fulfilling the prophecy in Zechariah 9:9. The true significance of His triumphal entry was that on this occasion Yeshua set Himself aside as the Passover Lamb.
From the 10th day until the 14th day of Nissan, Yeshua was tested by the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the Scribes, and the Herodians. By answering all of their objections and questions, Yeshua (the Lamb of God) clearly showed that He was without spot and without blemish.
He was later crucified at nine o'clock in the morning and at exactly the same time, the special Passover animal (lamb or he-goat) sacrifice was offered in the Temple compound.
Just as the Jewish leaders were very careful that not a single bone of the Passover lamb was broken, John 19:36 points out that not a single bone of Yeshua was broken either, during His scourging, the crucifixion itself, nor by the Roman soldiers who always broke the victim's legs.
Messianic Jews celebrate this good news at Passover, with the recognition that the blood placed on the tops and sides of the doorframes in Egypt was none other than a foreshadowing of the blood Yeshua would shed 1500 years later, which would cover mankind from all of their sins.
But what breaks my heart, is that this year 14 million Jewish people worldwide will celebrate Passover in their homes with family and friends who are gathered around the table for the Seder meal, retelling the story of Passover. However, no one has a clue as they read about God's deliverance in Egypt that the Passover lamb has been fulfilled in Yeshua!
Even though the Jewish people are known as the "People of the Book," most know little, if anything, about the Messianic prophecies. The rabbis do not investigate or discuss the Messianic prophecies, and they ignore what Moses says: ". . . without the blood atonement, there is no redemption of sin." Leviticus 17:11.
What began at the first Passover was later fulfilled by Yeshua, once and for all! Our people must hear this good news and the Messianic Prophecy Bible will provide this life-changing truth in a way Jewish people can relate to and understand.
Moses stood up to Pharaoh saying: "Let my people go!" so that the Jewish people would be freed from bondage and they could worship God in freedom.
Today Moses is not here, but you are -- so I'm asking you to please take a stand for the Jewish people so that they can be delivered from eternal death and be set free by knowing Yeshua the Passover Lamb, who gives freedom and eternal life.
- Your brother in Messiah's love,
Zev Isaacs
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