Friday, March 2, 2007

Kenya: The Power of Music And Worship

Kenya: The Power of Music And Worship


Edith Fortunate

Kavutha, 4Winds' lead singer, at a past event

"Imagine me

Loving what I see when the mirror looks at me, cause I

I imagine me

In a place of no insecurities

And I'm finally happy cause I

I imagine me.

"Letting go of all the ones who hurt me

Because they never did deserve me

Can you imagine me?

Saying no to thoughts that try to control me

Remembering all you told me,

Lord can you imagine me."

These are the lyrics of Kirk Franklin's single Imagine me, which is receiving airtime in local stations, both Christian and secular, and is ranked high in our top ten charts.

The song's success lies in the fact that it addresses the insecurities that each one of us suffers, and provides a solution for them - God.

Every first Friday of the month, 4Winds band plays songs like this, and others to draw individuals to their God. The event, put together by the band and The Orange Company is called 'First Friday'.

The concerts target 25 - 40 year olds, both Christian and non-Christian, who don't really fit in the 'teeny-bopper' Christian concerts of these days.

"We felt it was the best way to reach out to all those who feel like worshipping and actually never get the time or appropriate place to do that - perhaps due to discrimination on religion and salvation," says Nthenya Masyuko who is the Head of The Orange Company - an event organising company - and a member of the 4winds band.

The secret relaxation

"In church there is a schedule tofollow so the worship time is limited even though some people who wish it could go on and on. Also, there are people who are not 'born-again' but desire to worship God and don't know the right place to go. They don't know whether they will face rejections in mainstream churches, so we organise this event for such cases," Nthenya confirms.

"We realised that praise and worship music is the secret relaxation, it draws you close to God and you can easily connect to Him," says Kavutha Mwanzia, the songbird and lead vocalist of the 4winds band.

4winds also realised that people need to dance so they collaborated with Zera dancers to give the worshippers the best.

Like Kirk Franklin, the band uses music as therapy, healing wounds, relaxing and letting go. "Franklin lets it all out all, his frustrations, disappointments in life, he lets them out through song and never hides anything and it's the same with us - even though we try to run away from reality, when we sing such songs it reminds us that we are still human and that in God there is peace."

God gives each of us a talent and for 4Winds it is the ability to sing and bring people to God through song.

This has helped a lot of people, because they realise that they are not alone and that God loves them, no matter their situation and condition.

Soul refreshing

Many who have attended a First Friday term them as 'soul refreshing'.

"I believe it is easy to relate with God once you are here. At my first attendance I enjoyed the music thoroughly and got to interact and make friends with whom I still communicate, and who have helped me grow as a person and in my relationship with God," Diana says

For Allan, a Seventh Day Adventist (SDA), worship and religion are not things to be fought, "it is who you are and how God your creator appreciates you. I believe no one is supposed to judge the other as belonging to a certain religion or not being saved.

God accepted us and that is why he brought us into this world. First Friday have understood this concept and carry it out nicely with their music, I do not feel judged or alienated by them and I appreciate their music for they are there to celebrate with you in your happiness and sadness "

For Connie it is something different that brings her to the first Fridays.

"I don't have a job although I have friends who have money. First Fridays happen when people have just received their salaries and my friends usually invite me for drinks or a 'heng' but I decline because I cannot contribute anything. At first Friday I am at peace with myself. I dedicate my heart to God and trust him for everything. I do not have to contribute anything, except to say thank you Lord for keeping me alive to date."

The next 'First Friday' is on March 2 at Nairobi Chapel on Ngong Road (Impala club) at 6.30pm.

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