Monday, March 5, 2007

If You Weren’t On Staff At Your Church, Would You Worship There?

imageIf You Weren’t On Staff At Your Church, Would You Worship There?

Last week on the Swerve Blog, Craig Groeschel asked three questions that I want to pose to you this Monday Morning. How you answer these questions will have great implications on your ministry and your church. They are questions that will shape how you view your job; how your prioritize your tasks today; and how effective your church will be tomorrow. Here are the three questions Craig asks...

1.  If you weren’t on staff at your church, would you worship there?
I think we’ve all served at churches that we wouldn’t worship at.  (I know I have).  And many times we are in the process of transitioning them into a church that we’d love to attend.  If you’re in that position right now, this is still a great question to ask.  Why wouldn’t you want to worship there?  And what is keeping other people away from the church that you serve?

2.  If you didn’t know ANYTHING about Jesus, what would you know about him after a normal weekend at your church?
Think about your service yesterday.  If you didn’t know squat about Jesus yesterday morning; what would you know about Him or think about Him today?  This is a question that we need to ask each and every week.  How does your church communicate Jesus?

3.  If you had a loved one who didn’t know Christ, and they had one week left to live, would you take them to your church or another?
In this last question, it goes one level deeper.  How’s your church doing at communicating the main message?  Truthfully; would you take your dying unsaved mother to a service at your church or another church across town?  How clear is the gospel presented in your church?

These are some pretty heavy questions. But they are important questions.  Questions we all need to answer… right now.

So… how’d you fare?  And what can you do this week to change areas that need to be changed?  (There’re just six more days until Sunday!)

I'd love to hear your feedback here...

Have a great week!

Craig Groeschel’s 3 Questions for Church Evaluation

Craig Groeschel of (Edmond, OK) shares three questions on his blog that are valuable in evaluating the quality and effectiveness of your church.

  1. If you weren’t on staff at your church, would you worship there?
  2. If you didn’t know ANYTHING about Jesus, what would you know about him after a normal weekend at your church?
  3. If you had a loved one who didn’t know Christ, and they had one week left to live, would you take them to your church or another?

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