Monday, March 12, 2007

BONO and the NAACP: "ONE" Love

BONO and the NAACP: "ONE" Love

Julian Bond & Bono flashing the peace sign








That Bono, I'd cast my vote for his sainthood. vote for his sainthood.

Not only has he tirelessly been working on behalf of "the least of these" for years -- resolving the debt crisis AND working on AIDS, Malaria and TB in Africa -- but now he's taken it stateside to work on the myraid of issues facing the U.S.

The Irish rocker and the NAACP recently announced that Bono's ONE Campaign is joining forces with the civil rights group to recruit a quarter of a million new ONE and NAACP members and will create the ONE-NAACP Task Force of over 35,000 activists for mobilization around the 2008 election and key policy issues such as THIS one.

ONE: The Campaign to Make Poverty History was launched by Bono in 2004 and has over 2.4 million members. Since it deals primarily with Africa, it would be nice to have some African Americans on board.

The announcement comes on the heels of the NAACP Image Awards this past Saturday which awarded Bono its coveted Chairman's Award for his humanitarian work for social justice (he's pictured here with the Chairman himself, Julian Bond.)

His acceptance speech was nothing short of riveting. And sincere.

St. Bono. I like it. It seems to me that he's doing more to live up to the legacy of MLK than many African Americans...This year we need to be like the Irish on more than just St. Patty's day, methinks.

For Bono's acceptance speech,

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