Wrestling with God
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by Mark Labberton
Text: Genesis 32
Topic: How to receive God's blessing
Big Idea: Only God will wrestle with our old nature in order to bless us with a new one.
Keywords: Ambition; Blessings; Selfishness; Wrestling with God.
Improve your own sermons by reviewing some of the best from the Preaching Today collection. The information below provides a brief synopsis of what you can expect from the downloadable transcript.
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Wrestling with Godby Mark Labberton
Text: Genesis 32
Topic: How to receive God's blessing
Big Idea: Only God will wrestle with our old nature in order to bless us with a new one.
Keywords: Ambition; Blessings; Selfishness; Wrestling with God.
- Illustration: Labberton recounts an argument when he and his wife were newlyweds over the placement of a china plate.
- The motive behind most arguments is just wanting our own way.
- The story of Jacob is the story of a person we desperately wants his own way.
- Like Jacob, we have learned how to insist on having our own way without sounding like it.
- For Jacob, "getting my own way" looked like seeking a blessing.
- The blessing in Jacob's family carried much higher stakes than most.
- Jacob's coercive, conniving nature was reflected in his name.
- There were consequences for Jacob's selfish striving—and there always are for us, too.
- Illustration: After 40 years of service, a therapist was able to say that all his clients were asking the same question: "What must I do to be saved?"
- As the second son, Jacob had to fight to get the inheritance.
- The identity Jacob desired was not the blessing God had planned for him.
- The stories of our lives are about struggling to find the people who will bless us.
- Illustration: One man found it hard to believe that God might have something greater in store for him than the approval of his parents.
- Jacob wrestled with a divinely appointed man, who may have been God himself.
- The two men wrestled for the whole night—they were very much engaged with one another.
- The man asked for Jacob's name and gave him a new one.
- The new name gave Jacob a new set of values and an affirmation of who he really was.
- Wrestling with God, and the reality of who we are, will change us.
- God gave Jacob a physical reminder of the >encounter, demonstrating his power and blessing.
- Jacob asked for the man's name but was blessed instead.
- God is the only one who will stay with us, let alone bless us, in our selfish state.
- Big Idea: Only God will wrestle with us, give us a new identity, and give us a reminder of the change worked in us.
- God longs to bless us, and will do so when we encounter him.
- Will we wrestle persistently with God to receive the blessing he alone can give?
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