Sunday, January 7, 2007

Platform Your Anointing and Assignment Welcome and Introduction


Welcome to Platform Your Anointing and Assignment

The focus of the Platform Your Anointing Assignment will be intimacy with God by private daily communion. The Platform/means for intimacy with God will be daily personal communion for the next 40 days. I am believing that intimacy with God will Platform Your Anointing and Assignment. Your Platform, Anointing and Assignment will recieve power, the wealth,  wisdom,  strength! honor,  glory, and blessing.


Please note... I am asking each member to add communion to there daily devotional routine. So, this does not replace your regular prayer time, fasting and reflection. There is no "magic" in the Communion alone. By faith we are worthily partakers of His body and blood, with all His benefits (power, the wealth,  wisdom,  strength! honor,  glory, and blessing), to our spiritual nurishment, and growth in grace.Luke 22:19, I cor 10:16.



1 Corinthians 11:28 27-28Anyone who eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Master irreverently is like part of the crowd that jeered and spit on him at his death. Is that the kind of "remembrance" you want to be part of? Examine your motives, test your heart, come to this meal in holy awe.



Revelation 5:12 11-14I looked again. I heard a company of Angels around the Throne, the Animals, and the Elders—ten thousand times ten thousand their number, thousand after thousand after thousand in full song:<BR \>
   The slain Lamb is worthy!
   Take the power, the wealth, the wisdom, the strength!
   Take the honor, the glory, the blessing!
Then I heard every creature in Heaven and earth, in underworld and sea, join in, all voices in all places, singing:<BR \>
   To the One on the Throne! To the Lamb!
   The blessing, the honor, the glory, the strength,
   For age after age after age.
The Four Animals called out, "Oh, Yes!" The Elders fell to their knees and worshiped.


Suggested Communion template Recitation

Heavenly Father, I thank you for sending your Son, Jesus Christ to redeem mankind. I thank you that, through Christ’s suffering, He purchased a threefold redemption for my spirit, mind, and body.  Today I ask for you to bless this bread that represents the body of Christ.  Bless the fruit of the vine that represents the precious blood of Christ.

Father, as you have forgiven me, so I forgive those who have sinned against me. Lord, I forgive and release anyone who has wronged me. Lord, I forgive and release anyone who has wronged me and I ask you to search my spirit and remove any trace of sin or disobedience from my life.  Today, I release from my mental prison anyone who has hurt me in any way and I ask you to bless them and help them spiritually.

Father, as I receive this Communion, I ask you to bring strength and health to me spiritually, emotionally, and physically because of the New Covenant that was sealed through the suffering of Christ.  Father, Jesus carried my infirmities; therefore, I ask you to life from me what Jesus has carried for me.  I receive it by faith and I give you all the glory and honor, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen


Now You, I am asking you to consider doing the following for the next 40 days.


I am asking you to pray this communion prayer (template) every morning for the next 40 days.

  • Purchase (Welch) Grape Juice and matzos

  • In addition I am asking you to listen to the free POD download by Leonard ravenhill at least once a week for the next 40 days. It is a regular MP3 download.

MP3 download below

 Click here: Platform Your Anointing and Assignment Reference part1

Click here: Platform Your Anointing and Assignment Reference Part2

  • Purchase a notebook and write down a daily log/dairy of the things God says to you. After you prayed the prayer, thank God for bringing it near, meditate about 15 minutes. Just be silent and write the spiritual ideas that come to your mind.


I will now pray the prayer of agreement with Platform Your Anointing and Assignment members in the name of Yahweh for the next 40 days. Matthew (Amplified Bible) 20 For wherever two or three are gathered (drawn together as My followers) in (into) My name, there I AM in the midst of them. Lord God, Yahweh-Elohim, we worship You in Your holiness. We ask that the breath of God might breathe into us the very breath of Yahweh. In the name of Yahweh-Elohim, I pray that Yahweh will bring His Word, Will, and Way close to you, now in the name of Jeshua-Jesus the risen Christ. Bring it close Yahweh! I pray that Jesus would give you the Spirit of understanding now in the name of Yahweh. We now say the eternal "yes!" to the outcome. We cry bring it near. We yearn to know the heart of God, now in the name of Yahweh. May He give you an Awe struck divine encounter with Yahweh. We now pray for a divine intervention with the Sovereign and the Divine. In the name of Jesus the Christ, I pray. Amen. Amen and Amen.


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