Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Your destiny at Stake

 Your destiny at Stake 

Philip Bingham

 He is Planting the Stake of Revelatory Truth. God is driving His word and calling into my heart and spirit like a stake into the ground. I know this is my calling. I feel Gods pull .......I feel God driving out the flesh and ties to the world

Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not. sin against thee.” Psalm 119:11.

I can always recognize my Gods Stake and handwriting at a quick glance based on how elaborately the majuscules are formed and how they dwarf the other letters. "Majuscule" looks like the complement to "minuscule," and the resemblance is no coincidence.

Without cotter pins, wheels will come off and worship will go nowhere. The tabernacle, the "Holy of Holies" and center part of the camp of Israel, was likewise identified by stakes that were draped with curtains. "The mezuzah is nailed to the right hand door post as you enter the room, in the top third of that doorpost, slanting inwards. The blessing, "Blessed are You - Who has commanded us to fix the mezuzah" is recited while affixing it. There should be a mezuzah at the entrance to every home and on the doorpost of every living room within the home --- this of course excludes lavatories, bathrooms, storerooms and stables. It is also customary to place mezuzot at the entrances to synagogues and public buildings, including all government offices in Israel."

God will driveout the enemy with a Stake. Judges 4:21 (King James Version) 21Then Jael Heber's wife took a nail of the tent, and took an hammer in her hand, and went softly unto him, and smote the nail into his temples, and fastened it into the ground: for he was fast asleep and weary. So he died. All our connexions with God's enemies must be broken off, if we would have the Lord for our God, and his people for our people. He that had thought to have destroyed Israel with his many iron chariots, is himself destroyed with one iron nail.

dty,Yathed, yaw-thade'    pin, stake, peg, nail  ,pin, peg, tent pin, tent stake, nail, pin (fig.) , pin (used in weaving

Smith's Bible Dictionary

Nail. [N] [E]

  1. Of finger. (a) A nail or claw of man or animal. (b) A point or style e.g. for writing; see (Jeremiah 17:1)
  2. (a) A nail, (Isaiah 11:7) a stake, (Isaiah 33:20) also a tent-peg. Tent-pegs were usually of wood and of large size; but some times, as was the case with those used to fasten the curtains of the tabernacle of metal. (Exodus 27:19; 38:20) (b) A nail, primarily a point. We are told that David prepared iron for the nails to be used in the temple; and as the holy of holies was plated with gold, the nails for fastening the plates were probably of gold.

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