Sunday, October 8, 2006

Aqua Series 2 Introducing 5 Essential Steps To Your Great Health

  Introducing 5 Essential Steps To Your Great Health

Most people take supplements and feel nothing from them. But in truth an effective program that is truly addressing your biochemistry should produce noticeable improvements in your health in 30 days or less. Most people start and end with only one of the 5 steps to health. As a result most people  do not  give nutrition the respect and confidence it is due.

In this newsletter, I would like to start an education process that will eventually enable you to take greater control of your health. Your health is really the foundation that supports your life. Your goals, talents, adventures, attitude, mood and success are entirely dependant upon your health. This education process will be ongoing through this e-mail format so tell your friends and family to contact us and get on our e-mail list to receive this life changing and for some life saving information. 

Most of you know I have been studying nutrition extensively for 24 years and in private practice for the last 14.  I have learned there are  5  Essential Steps that must be addressed to have what I call great health.  Now I want to take a minute and define what great health is.  Great health as I define it is the ability to sleep well, wake up with energy to live your day fully, get home and still have energy to pursue your hobbies and or play with your kids. It is having a young looking face, clear bright eyes, freedom from every ache or pain and flexibility. It is living your entire life disease free! Now this may seem pretty bold to you because most people believe that getting sick is inevitable.  They just don’t know which one they will get.  They think that the disease they get is just “luck of the draw” or maybe genetics. Nothing could be further from the truth. You can avoid getting diseases like cancer, arthritis and high blood pressure if you address these 5 steps.

This is not theory, I have done this over and over in my practice.  It does not matter if you have a few aches and pains or full blown cancer, addressing these 5 steps will restore your health. This is my life’s mission:  to teach people how to take care of their bodies so they never become victims of our current health care system which can only offer drugs and surgery with all the pain and misery that comes with them.  I have been teaching people one on one in consultations and delivering this 5 step message, but because this is my mission and I am so passionate about it I wanted to impact even more people so that’s why I am providing this education to you.  My message is one of hope and is empowering for the people who want to stay healthy their entire lives and don’t know how.  It’s empowering for people who have lost their health and want to get it back and don’t know how.

I am going to give you a quick overview of the 5 essential steps in this e-mail and then introduce you to step 1 in more detail.  I am also going to give you some examples of common conditions that manifest when step I is not addressed.  Then, I will introduce the first  step and explain in more detail why it is so important.

Step I - pH Balance: The first goal on the way to great health is to restore the body’s ph to the alkaline range.  Almost all chronic illness takes place in a body that has become acidic due to the gradual depletion of its mineral reserves. The state of the body’s acid/alkaline balance can be easily measured by testing the urine using ph paper. Once you get a baseline reading of your urine or saliva, you can start to take action getting your body into a more alkaline state. 

Step II - Hormone Balance: The second element to peak health is re-establishing and/or sustaining your hormonal balances by replenishing the body's natural hormones, especially natural progesterone, DHEA and adrenal hormones. The hormone balance of the body is a complex, interactive symphony of different compounds.  These hormones literally act as messengers which in turn control and regulate all the body’s processes.  Chronic illness typically leads to hormone exhaustion.  Even before illness becomes chronic, hormone deficiency can cause a host of other symptoms.  We really can offer much more than the traditional medical approach which is synthetic hormone replacement therapy and all the problems associated that come with that approach.  We have several fantastic natural products which powerfully restore hormone competence.

Step III - Detoxify the Body: So great is the exposure and accumulation in the body of toxic chemicals, such as heavy metals, pesticide/insecticide residues and industrial chemicals that this is a step which is fundamental for your lifelong health.  We live in the most chemically burdened society that has ever lived.  Our world is filled with toxins from chemical processing and we as individuals are exposed to them on a daily basis.  Think of your body as a water purification system, we need to keep the toxins flowing out of the body and keep them from accumulating within our system.

Step IV - Eliminate Chronic Infection: Believe it or not, most of us have some level of infection within us. This is not the raging fever kind of infection we usually think of.  Often we are not aware of this hidden infection that silently burdens the body.  It can be anywhere but is often in the teeth and gums and even in the jaw bone due to root canals that were not done properly. It is important that we identify where these infections are and eliminate them with the right anti-infective substances and also the special immune support products we have. 

Step V - Rejuvenate the Body's System: Once chronic infection sites have been eliminated (or concurrent with the anti?-infective process), many regenerative nutraceuticals can be used to promote high energy, anti-aging, immune boosting and DNA repair.  Often infection and toxic burdens, like heavy metals, have ravaged the tissues especially the nerve and brain cells causing a host of symptoms like poor memory, inability to concentrate and a general decline in mental functioning which most people think is a normal part of aging.  It’s not!  We can reverse that with our unique array of products.


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