Monday, September 18, 2006

Happy September! Book of Life Sefer HaChaim

Happy September! 

It is the month of the new birth

Kindred Spirit

Happy September! It is the month of the new birth. You have been waiting 9 months for the prophetic assignment of the Lord. Engage the prophetic assignment of the Lord. The Prophetic Assignment of the Lord will manifest in your environment. Click here: Happy September! It is the month of the new birth




















Book of Life Sefer HaChaim God Yeshua is going to open the Book of Life between Rosanna and Yom Kippur. The "Book of Life" is called Sefer HaChaim in Hebrew. There will be a book reading by the  [Author] Book Reading & Signing. The celestial book signing and events will take place between Roshana and Yom Kippur. God is going to balance the Book of Life.




Ten: Government; law (commandments); order; tithe; measure; trial; testing. (Lev. 27: 32; Ex. 34: 28; Rev. 2: 10; 12: 3; Matt. 25:1-13)

5767, the year of the 'Clash of the SWORD of the Lord.'
  • It is the sound of the King's coronation
  • It is the sobbing cry of a Jewish heart
  • It is an alarm clock, arousing us from our spiritual slumber





Alert! Blowing of the Trumpet. Festival of the blowing of the trumpets. The Trumpet is the Bridge to your future. This concept reminded me of the tromba marina, or marine trumpet









Trumpet marine A tromba marina, or marine trumpet (Fr. trompette marine; Ger. marine trompete, trompetengeige, nonnengeige, tympanischiza or trummscheit,  Its name comes from its trumpet like sound due to the unusual construction of the bridge, and the resemblance of its contour to the marine speaking-trumpet of the Middle Ages.


  • Blowing the Trumpet
  • Atonement
  • Behold! Hear the wailing of the repentant hearts that will wipe the 2006 account clean.
  • God will write the 2007 prophesy of your life. It will be written in the eternal ledger of your life.
  • God is measuring you for your prophetic assignment
  • Happy New Year

Baker's Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology Book, Book of Life The Book of Life is a list of the righteous. In the Old Testament focus on divine reward and punishment in this life, the blessed on the list receive their blessings here and now and those stricken from the book suffer in this life, not in some eternal future. The psalmist understands this when he asks God to "list my tears on your scroll" (56:8) and have his enemies "blotted out of the book of life" (69:28). The New Testament transforms this balance book into an eternal ledger of heavenly citizenship. The "Book of Life" is called Sefer HaChaim in Hebrew. The only reference to such a book (where the lives of humans are written) that occurs in the Torah is in Sh'mot (Exodus) 32:32. According to the New JPS translation: "Now, if You will forgive their sin [well and good]; but if not, erase me from the record which You have written!". In Hebrew the words that are translated as "the record which You have written." can also be translated as your book that you wrote. It is as close as we come in Torah itself. In the Prophets Malachi 3:16 speaks of a scroll of remembrance. Scroll is often a translation of the word sefer which is mostly translated as book. In T'hilim (Psalms 69:29) you have the expression Sefer Chaim (Book of Life) and the idea of the righteous being written into the same. The idea has been developed much further in post T'nach (Old Testament) times and is today a central motif in the Rosh HaShana and Yom Kippur services.

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