Calculated Trust
Relationships, Lies, and Tivo
The truth? The fallacy of human trust, and the security of faith in God
The truth? You may have been decieved. You may have failed to discern the breach of faith that came your way. Perhaps, you misjudged the person place or thing. Thus, Relationships, Lies, and Tivo. Next time...this time calculate your trust. Calculate the risk. Trust, Investigate and verify the calculation hourly, daily monthly, yearly. You were victimized the first act of Perfidy. Perhaps, you lived a life of deception, when you didn't trust , investigate and verify the calculation. You may have been decieved. Consequetly, recalculate, investigate, verify and rewrite the contract!
An horse. If the strength of horses be of God, or be his gift Job 39:19, then trust not in the strength of horses: use the strength of horses, but do not trust the strength of horses.
An horse is a vain thing for safety. Military strength among the Orientals lay much in horses and scythed chariots, but the psalmist calls them a lie, a deceitful confidence. Surely the knight upon his gallant steed may be safe, either by valour or by flight? Not so, his horse shall bear him into danger or crush him with its fall. Neither shall he deliver any by his great strength. Thus the strongest defences are less than nothing when most needed. God only is to be trusted and adored. Sennacherib with all his calvary is not a match for one angel of the Lord, Pharaoh's horses and chariots found it vain to pursue the Lord's anointed, and so shall all the leaguered might of earth and hell find themselves utterly defeated when they rise against the Lord and his chosen.
The spirit of revelation can give you insight into today's betrayal. The issue in life is not, if you are going to be betrayed. The reality of life is when and how life will deliver a breach of faith today. As you get out of bed today, calculate your day. Simply ask the Lord to direct your steps, conversations, and path. Unearth the golden vessel of Gods grace and mercy. Solve tomorrows problems today. Unearth the Golden vessel of todays' and tommorows problems. Uncover and dispel every every lie, imagination, fantasy, and stealth act that comes from us. Uncover and dispel every every lie, imagination, fantasy, and stealth act that comes to us. Uncover and dispel every every lie, imagination, fantasy, and stealth act that comes Satan. Uncover and dispel every every lie, imagination, fantasy, and stealth act that exalts itself above God. Ephesians 1 :16 Cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers; 17 That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you t he spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: 18 The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,
You need the spirit of wisdom and revelation in choosing the people that you interact with. Many of us have made questionable choices. We lacked the spirit of discernment. These questionable choices have included business partners, friends , associates, marriage partners. Some of these relationship were contracted without the spirit of wisdom and revelation and the eyes of your understanding being enlightened.
God has gifted you with the power to choose. Trust, but verify. Life offers us opportunities to go to the videotape (Tivo). Trust, but verify. Trust, but Tivo. Go to the Tivo. Let's Go to the Videotape. Let's Go to the Tivo.
To recognize betrayal, you have to think with your brain in gear instead of just reacting to your wishes (of what you want life to be) and your emotions. “Betrayal is defined as the act of not being loyal to a person who believes you are loyal to him or her, often by doing something that hurts that person … One definition of perfidy (Perfidy is an act of deliberate treachery or deception) sums up well the act of betrayal: A deliberate breach of faith; a calculated violation of trust.” (Shattered: Six Steps from Betrayal to Recovery, Fay A. Klingler and Bettyanne Bruin, p. xxi.)
National Issues of discovery and Betrayal
Homeland Security, Poverty in America, Presidential elections, Domestic Violence, Death Penalty, minimum wage, One parent homes, social security, racial harmony, glass ceiling, womens' rights, global warming, religion, human rights, drugs, latch key children,
Personal Signs of Betrayal
· His or her words do not match his or her actions. · He or she is unreasonably defensive and resistant to open communication or participation. · He or she minimizes the problem while attempting to maximize the focus somewhere else. · He or she uses unreasonable entitlement as a means of justifying behavior. · He or she becomes unreasonably agitated or uses force, either real or implied.
The spirit of deception is cunning, sly, calculating, and manipulating. The Master Deciever deception is stealth. "The betrayer develops such skill in deceit and manipulation the signs become seemingly invisible or undetectable. And yet, even then, if the betrayed listens with his or her heart and asks Heavenly Father for discernment, those signs can become obvious."
Each of the scenarios and people below weave a tale of a breach of perfidy. One definition of perfidy (Perfidy is an act of deliberate treachery or deception) sums up well the act of betrayal: A deliberate breach of faith; a calculated violation of trust. The infamous acts of perfidy leave the face of history scalded. Perhaps, Benedict Arnold is the scarface of betrayal in American history. However, you and i have been slapped in the face by circumstances in our life. ”
Judas' betrayal of Jesus
Brutus' betrayal of Caesar
Delilah's betrayal of Samson
Aeneas' betrayal of Dido
Alcibiades' betrayal of Athens
Ephialtes' betrayal of the Spartans
Clytemnestra's betrayal of Agamemnon
Odysseus' betrayal of Philoctetes
David's betrayal of Uriah
Jason's/Medea's betrayal of Medea/Jason
Thus, The fallacy of human trust, and the security of faith in God Get up and try again... Calculate the Risk...Get up and try again....
Calculate the Trust
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