Wednesday, September 13, 2006

5767, the year of the 'Clash of the SWORD of the Lord.'

Chuck Pierce: "We are ending the Hebraic Year 5766 and approaching the blowing of the trumpets that ushers in the next year, 5767, the year of the 'Clash of the SWORD of the Lord.' He is ready to sharpen you and develop your identity for the future."

Chuck PierceWe are ending the Hebraic Year 5766 and approaching the blowing of the trumpets that ushers in the next year, 5767, the year of the "Clash of the SWORD of the Lord." He is ready to sharpen you and develop your identity for the future. A great theme for the year is Isaiah 41:15-20:

"You will be a new, threshing instrument with many sharp teeth. You will tear your enemies apart, making chaff of mountains. You will toss them into the air, and the wind will blow them all away; a whirlwind will scatter them. Then you will rejoice in the Lord. You will glory in the Holy One of Israel.

When the poor and needy search for water and there is none, and their tongues are parched from thirst, then I, the Lord, will answer them. I, the God of Israel, will never abandon them. I will open up rivers for them on the high plateaus. I will give fountains of water in the valleys. I will fill the desert with pools of water. Rivers fed by springs will flow across the parched ground.

I will plant trees in the barren desert--cedar, acacia, myrtle, olive, cypress, fir, and pine--on barren land. Everyone will see this miracle and understand that it is the LORD, the Holy One of Israel, who did it."


May the Lord continue to prosper and bring the necessary CHANGES that are needed for you to prosper and succeed on your road ahead. May you receive revelation for your life, home, business, and/or ministries so "your end is greater than your beginning."Change is an inevitable force that we must deal with in our lives at this time in history if we are to remain viable and relative in the earth today.

Change means to take a turn, to put something or someone in place, to take from one resource and make another, to pass away from one form to another. Change is also synonymous with transformation. The enemy of the Church understands the concept of change so he either tries to get us out of time in our changing, or hold us "in routine" in a stagnant, inflexible, methodized wineskin that cannot hold the wine of present-day truth.

Wine must be pressed while the wineskin is forming! Revelation must be gained while wisdom is developing! Apostles need prophets! Prophets must intercede and connect with intercessors! Intercessors must understand the gaps throughout the earth! The only sure thing in the earth and Heaven today is: "I YAHWEH, CHANGE NOT!" Therefore, WE MUST CHANGE! I know many of us feel like we are being pressed through a sieve. However, do not forget that you are being made into a drink offering.

Interpretation of the Word of the Lord

In a recent worship service at Glory of Zion, Brian Kooiman, my assistant, gave a tongues message, and I began to interpret the word of the Lord: "I would say you've been swimming in a thimble, and I have an ocean for you to jump in! You've been asking Me for more, but you're not speaking to what needs to be untied for your future. Speak to your colt! When I needed a colt, I said, 'Tell them that I have need of it!' Speak to what needs to be untied for your life. I will cause your hands to receive what you need. Swim on out; come on out into the place that is over your head. Do not try to swim in a thimble when the ocean is waiting. The pool for you has enlarged. I will give you lessons on how to swim in the new place I have for you."

Linda Heidler continued the interpretation: "This is a day of enlargement! You may have seen the giants in the land. But until the giants are confronted, you cannot possess what I have promised. This is a day for you to stir your faith! Listen carefully, because I have a strategy to overthrow the giants that you've seen. I know where they are hiding! I know where they are entrenched! I know their taunts against you!

I know the "NOW" plan that I've had since before the foundation of the world for this time and season, to overthrow the giants that have a hold of your inheritance! The key is for you to listen and obey. I am not expecting your strength to overcome! Listen and obey! Listen and obey and I will give you the strategy to overthrow those things that are blocking your path, so that you possess your full inheritance that I've promised you."

Keith Pierce then continued: "Take your seed and plant it this day. In the planting of the seed, I will reposition you underneath the pouring out of My treasury. Today is the day of the exchanging of the mantle. Today is the day of the releasing of the funds for the next shift that you are to make! Sow your seed and see the presence of God released! Sow your seed and see the presence of God brought forth. Sow your seed and see yourself established! Sow your seed! Call your seed into fruition! This is a time to bless your seed!

Remove your old garment! Turn loose of it and come into the movement of what I AM saying this day! Sow your seed! For the lie of the enemy is trying to rob from you what I AM releasing in the earth this hour! Your knees have been shaky, and you've not known how to stand. And even in the stance you've taken, you've shaken. But now I'm beginning to speak to you in a new way with a new sound. I'm blowing a new breath of anointing upon you. I'm extending to you My future plan of victory. Put on your victory garment, and walk in My identity for a moment! Sense My joy for a moment, so that you might follow Me into the completion of My purposes for you life."


At the end of August, I visited Baton Rouge and New Orleans. This was almost exactly one year after the devastation of Hurricane Katrina. Because of this, and with the anniversary of September 11, I have been teaching on how to be released from trauma. I see the Lord releasing a fresh anointing on us as we cross into these next two years. Here are some keys to walk in victory:

1. Leave the Trauma of the past several months behind!

2. Begin to WORSHIP in a new and fresh way!

3. Decree that a NEW WAVE of Holy Spirit will overtake you!

4. Declare that the SEEDS you have sown will manifest in INCREASE!

5. Receive the Angelic Hosts that are LEADING you into BREAKTHROUGH!

6. LET the HEALING FLOW of GOD BURST FORTH around you!

7. OPTIMIZE your resources and declare your RESOURCES WILL MULTIPLY!


Pam recently shared a wonderful message at Glory of Zion on regret. She defined regret as: "Sorrow or remorse over something that has happened, especially over something that one has done or left undone; or sorrow over a person or thing gone, lost." This sorrow manifests in emotional damage if not dealt with properly. There are two types of regret: something you did or something someone else did to you. She shared how regrets have levels, such as:

1. Regret that you gained weight over the holidays or that you bought an outfit before it went on sale. Superficial regrets that don't really impact your life beyond the immediate and temporal.

2. Regret that you haven't taken better care of your health, or that you didn't plan more wisely for your retirement.

3. An unwise choice; a failure to resist a temptation, etc., that created deeper regrets impacting your quality of life for the present and future.

4. Regret that you waited so long to give your life to the Lord, or that you never shared the reality of Jesus with a friend or relative before he/she died.

5. Spiritual regrets that could impact your walk with God and your relationships with others.

Regardless of how serious or insignificant our regrets are, one thing is true about all regrets: the enemy can and will use them to hinder us any way he can. Pam discussed the following ways to OVERCOME regret:

1. Recognize that regret is the natural consequence of sin--whether it was something we did or failed to do.

2. When the enemy taunts you with regret, agree with him quickly. If you are living and sensing regret, this proves that your conscience is alive to the Holy Spirit.

3. Turn regret into repentance: acknowledge your sin and receive your Father's forgiveness. Read James 5:16,"Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed." What we regret often reveals an underlying attitude of sin.

4. Remember Romans 8:28: "And we know that all things (even regret) work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose."

5. Stand your ground: by faith, tell the enemy that all of your past is under the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and nothing you have done--or not done--is beyond God's power to redeem.

In the end, there is only one regret that will matter: that you believed the lies of the enemy and failed to walk out your life in faith. Because without faith it is impossible to please God, "For he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him" (Hebrews 11:6).

This is a time to BREAK HOPE DEFERRED! Proverbs 13:12 says, "Hope deferred makes the heart sick." Do not let loss overcome you! Loss can produce shaking. But do not forget that loss can result in joy, change, and resurrection power. We have been given the power to bind the enemy. Bind the power of the accuser. The accuser will taunt you over everything you have ever done wrong during traumatic times. Overcome self pity, doubt, and unbelief!


Trauma is imprinted in your memory system. Trauma is also absorbed deep into the tissues of your brain (processor) and affects your thoughts (heart). Trauma becomes the "flash bulb" that creates what you see and how you define the world around you. When not processed correctly, trauma will shape your world from the point of view of the incident. Traumas can produce LOCK-INS of fear, failure complexities, emotional distresses, and anxieties--causing your organs (spleen, kidneys, pancreas) to overwork.

Leave TRAUMA behind! When used by our enemy, trauma will create a failure mentality, a confused perceptive, and a dullness, deadness, lost hope, apathy, and blocked emotions.


During this next three weeks:

Read the entire Book of John. You will begin to see that even in the midst of your TRAUMA there are BENEFITS.

Read Luke 5. I have been praying for people's brains so that they shift from "left" to "right" and overcome trauma.
Since we are ending the year 5766 and beginning 5767, read Psalms 66-67.

Read Isaiah 66 and Jeremiah 1.

Read Isaiah 41 and Psalms 147-150.

Declare that your conscience become clear. Leave behind anything in your past that would clutter vision in the future.

We are decreeing that you walk into the next year ahead with a mindset of increase and victory!


Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries

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