Saturday, August 26, 2006

Music Ministry Revival part97





















Music Ministry Revival part97


Music Ministry Teamwork and the Movement of God

Music Ministry Revival is at hand! Music Ministry Revival is theAUTHORITY , PRESTIGE , WEIGHT and INFLUENCE of the Sovereign in the Music Cosmos. Music Ministry Revival is an emanation of spiritual or moral force of the sovereign. The Music Ministry that does not increase you will inevitably decrease you. Whose success and influence matters to you? The success and influence of the Kingdom of God is supreme. The kingdom of God must take authority and influence over every other influence in the Music Cosmos. 

I (We) prophesy to the 4 winds of heavens. Revival Angels come into the Music Ministry. Come,  Spirit of Music Ministry Revival. The Spirit of awakening come.  Come, Music Ministry Revival, Music Ministry harvest angels come. Music Ministry...angels of revival come... awaken Lord. Send your glory. Send your glory... send your glory and change the atmosphere in the Music Ministry. Fire of God come. Light of God come. Go forth Light of God. Breathe ... wind of God, breathe into the Music Ministry, now in Jesus name. 

Music Ministry Revival is the preeminence of the Spirit of God (Ephes. 1:13-14) on the Spirit of Man (James 3:15) and the influence over the Spirit of the World (Ephesians 2:2). Corinthians 2:6-16. " All of Adam's offspring contain the spirit of man until they're born again. At that time the Spirit of God enters and dwells within them."(Ephes. 1:13-14) Jack Kelley

Consequently , Music Ministry Revival is evident and apparent when God makes an appearance. Signs follow the Music Ministry Revival. Regeneration! Revival!

 It is difficult to sing the Lord's song while the Music of the spirit of the world has weighted influence. I do not deny that the Music of the Music Ministry has an influence also. Perhaps, not enough to slow, thwart, and contain the influence of the Spirit of the world. The Kingdom of this world shall become the Kingdoms of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I hope the following will make us uncomfortable.  I hope the following will make us sp uncomfortable that we will do something!

The Spirit of the world is expressed in our music. "The course of this world" is the zeitgeist—the spirit of the times. Click here: Fortify @ Prayer and Sick List  "The course of this world" is the zeitgeist—the spirit of the times. The National Education Association estimates that many of the 5000 teenage suicides each year are linked to depression fueled by fatalistic music and lyrics.“

Music is not just a singular influence.
Music is a combination of frequency, beat, density, tone, rhythm, repetition, loudness, and lyrics.
Different Basic Personalities tend to be attracted to certain styles of music. Energy Block patterns can intensify, reduce, or change these natural inclinations of a person's identity. Different cultures have developed traditions which place a stress on certain forms of music. These are often associated with the common instruments of the country and may be focused according to nationalistic interests. Music influences our emotions because it takes the place of and extends our languages. MUSIC and HEALTH become associated when the one influences the other. With its ability to trigger emotional states, music can encourage us to feel sad, happy, hopeful, anxious, expectant, angry, sensual, afraid, reverent. Since we have the capacity to be self-directed, we can also choose music which dispels negative emotions and encourages positive emotions.

Music's Deadly Influence Thomas L. Jipping, M.A., J.D., should motivate you to pay attention to the content of the songs.  Some of the factsthe document highlights include:

  • Estimates of how often teens listen to music range from four to six hours a day. Today's technology makes music more portable (e.g. CD walkmans).

  • Dr. Joseph Steussy, professor of music history at the University of Texas, confirms that music affects behavior, psychologically and physiologically.

  • Child psychologist Dr. David Elkind states that ”music can influence young people as much as any visual media.“ Teenagers rate music ahead of religion, books and television as factors that greatly influence their generation.

  • ”The vast majority of studies conclude that there is a cause-and-effect relationship between media violence [including music videos] and real-life violence“ (American Academy of Pediatrics).

  • In the mid-1980s, more than 50 percent of the popular music videos shown on MTV included episodes of violence.

  • By 1995, only 10 of the 40 most popular CDs were free of profanity or lyrics dealing with drugs, violence and sex.

  • The American Medical Association asserts, ”The vivid depiction of drug and alcohol use, suicide, violence, demonology, sexual exploitation, racism and bigotry could be harmful to some people.“

  • ”The National Education Association estimates that many of the 5000 teenage suicides each year are linked to depression fueled by fatalistic music and lyrics.“

  • A 1994 University of Michigan study concluded that ”[g]lamorization in the music industry has been an important determinant“ of increased drug use by teenagers.

    [Thomas L. Jipping, M.A., J.D., ”There Is a Virus Loose Within Our Culture: An Honest Look at Music's Impact,“ Washington, D.C.: Free Congress Foundation, 1999]

I (We) prophesy to the 4 winds of heavens. Revival Angels come into the Music Ministry. Come,  Spirit of Music Ministry Revival. The Spirit of awakening come.  Come, Music Ministry Revival, Music Ministry harvest angels come. Music Ministry...angels of revival come... awaken Lord. Send your glory. Send your glory... send your glory and change the atmosphere in the Music Ministry. Fire of God come. Light of God come. Go forth Light of God. Breathe ... wind of God, breathe into the Music Ministry, now in Jesus name. 
Music Ministry Teamwork and the Movement of God

Teamwork and the Movement of God

The Music Ministry Revival will sink or swim based on its teamwork. Could teamwork among the Music Ministry solve:

  • The music Ministry assignment The Music Cosmos

  • World Hunger

  • A common agenda for Music Ministry Convention-leaders

  • Lower the increasing divorce rate among Music Ministry couples in their 40s, 50s, 60s and even the 70s

  • Music Ministry and AIDS and drug dependency

  • Control, Distribute , Produce CD for the general Music Ministry

  • Sexism, classism, racism in the Music Ministry

  • Affordable Senior Housing for the Music Ministry

  • Music Ministry pension funds

  • Retooling the the Music Ministry from Industrial Pipe Organ, organic Piano to electronic instruments

  • Institute Remedial music education program for the Music Ministry

  • Updating resume service for the Music Ministry who is out of work

  • Redeem rap music into Christ-centric rap Music


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