Monday, July 3, 2006

Happy New Year Day July 1 is the Second Half of the New Year Day

July 1 is the Second Half of the New Year Day. July1st is the middle of the year. 

Harrison Ford
We all have big changes in our lives that are more or less a second chance.
Andrew M. Greeley
We're given second chances every day of our life. We don't usually take them, but they're there for the taking.
Mary Pickford
If you have made mistakes, even serious ones, there is always another chance for you. What we call failure is not the falling down but the staying down.
Oprah Winfrey
Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.

It is time to Reevaluate, reassess It's half time. The second half will manifest the following opportunities:

Harvest of miracles

Harvest of  finances

Harvest of Ideas

7/3/06    Happy New Year Day part 2 

7/3/06    Happy New Year Day part3 

Your Journey from Success to Significance by Lloyd Reeb

Developing a ten step Halftime strategy

Halftime is a pause in the middle of the game of life to reflect on who

we are and what will matter in the end and to redirect our time and

resources for the second half.

Personal Reflection:

What does significance look like for you?

For what do you want to be remembered?

How much passion do you experience in your daily life?

How much is enough?

Ten elements of a healthy halftime transition:

1. Know where you area in the four stages of Halftime

2. Begin by understanding yourself

3. Craft a personal mission statement

4. Open up margin

5. Research opportunities that match your mission statement

6. Do low-cost probes

7. Define the role you play best

8. Share the journey with a few others

9. Prepare to be a servant

10. Prepare to take a risk

What are your next steps?




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