Sunday, July 23, 2006

The gaps in your existence

Fall into the Gap

When should you use faith? Use faith when your life has GAPS. The gaps in your existence May be as large as the Antarctic ozone Gap. September 10, 2000

A new computer model of the Antarctic ozone hole shows it's in worse condition than previously thought. The ozone layer is critical to life on earth because it protects humans, marine life and the environment from the Sun's harmful ultraviolet rays.

Out soul cries out for the Holy Finger of the Lord to fill the gap. His finger can stop the breach of affliction from flooding our Picture of "Creation Scene" by Michaelangelosoul. Our Faith activates the finger of the Lord. Dyke -dam, levee, dike a barrier constructed to contain the flow of water or to keep out the sea.

Hans Brinker is known as the boy who stuck his finger in the dike when a flood threatened, and thus kept the water back. This is a basic misunderstanding: This is the legend describsculpture of Hans Brinkered in the book, but in reality it is about Peter, the lockkeeper’s son.

While walking along an isolated part of the dike one night, he discovers a small hole through which water is seeping. He doesn’t hesitate for a moment and sticks his finger in the dike. This does stop the water, but at the same time he cannot contact anybody to come and help him. Throughout the long night he keeps the dike in check with his finger, but he is not found until the next morning by someone who quickly goes for help.

Statues of Peter, the Hero of Haarlem, can be found in two places in Holland, in Spaarndam and in Harlingen.

Have you Fallen into the GAPS





Consider it Joy when your life has gaps James 1:2. Welcome the trials as dear friends. The wise man bridges the gap by laying out the path by means of which he can get from where he is to where he wants to go. J. P. Morgan Is God Taciturn (Habitually silent) concerning your gap. Count it all Joy. Joy is the fragrance reserved for the obedient. Joy sits at the welcome table of the obedient. You now have household chores that are unavoidable. The feast of the Lord is going on.  He prepares a table of joy in the presence of your enemies. Come eat, drink all that are weary and are of a heavy laden. The Joy of the Lord is your strength.

The rhetorical question might be, whose table are you sitting at? Has the Lord enlarged your table. He prepares a spiritual drop-leaf table. The trouble seems to enlarge, double in size and surmount us. 

What is a drop-leaf table?

A. A drop-leaf table has a fixed center section and hinged side panels. When the side panels are lowered, the table top is smaller, but when the sides are raised, the top area is enlarged. Sometimes, a table is split in half, with one section stationary and one side able to be lowered. Often the movable portion has a leg that extends to support the opened portion and slides under the frame when the movable leaf is lowered.

The gaps at the table are filled with questions about God, Afflictions, Promises and your Service. As your faith is challenged and affliction grow, Rejoice!

I'mGonna Sit at the Welcome  Table

I'm gonna sit at the welcome table,
I'm gonna sit at the welcome table one of these days,
I'm gonna sit at the welcome table,
I'm gonna sit at the welcome table one of these days.

 Persevere thru the trial Heb 10:35. Persevere when it the will of God. Persevere when you are pursing the will of God. Luke 18:1

Pray. I pray that your faith fail not. Trials deplete your faith. Well, its' time for a fill up. Hold on to your faith. Gap filler come!

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