Saturday, June 24, 2006

Music Ministry Revival part88


















Music Ministry Revival part88

Music Ministry Teamwork and the Movement of God 

Music Ministry Revival is at hand. Revival is Gods divine intervention in the lives of the Music Ministry. Revival is a result of prevailing prayer, weeping and a prevailing word. Music Ministry Revival... It is supremely an act of God. Music Ministry Evangelism is act of the Music Ministry. Gods concern is the Music Ministry. The Music Ministry's concern is to evangelize the music Cosmos.  As Doctor Tozer said, "When revival comes it changes the moral climate of a community. "You can have revival that covers a church -- Spurgeon had that. You can have a revival that covers a city. You can have a revival that covers the whole nation -- and I am thinking in this context more than in the other contexts (though sometimes revival spreads from here to there -- like fire  spreads.) Revival  can happen individually,  or it can happen in a church, or it can come and work through a whole community or it can work through a whole nation.

The 1904 Welsh Revival is one of the best documented and best known revivals of all, and certainly one of the most powerful. Over a period of two years, the fire of the Holy Spirit swept over the whole principality, and was carried by visiting pastors to Norway, Japan, America, India, South Africa and Korea, where further revivals broke out. At its height, churches stayed open for 24 hours a day, with souls praying earnestly to God. Coal-miners rushed home at the end of a gruelling day to wash themselves and get to the chapel as quickly as they could. Hopeless drinkers and gamblers were powerfully converted and became soul-winners. Doubters and atheists were cut to the heart, sometimes physically unable to move until they cried to God for mercy. The Welsh are also a very musical people, and worshipful singing was a feature of the revival. As the Holy Spirit moved, it was common to find part of the congregation singing a hymn in rapturous awe, while others were on the floor crying in agony for God's mercy. An eye-witness recalls: "Such marvellous singing, quite unrehearsed, could only be created by the Holy Spirit. No choir, no conductor, no organ - just spontaneous, unctionised soul-singing. Once the first hymn was given out, the meeting ran itself. There was no leader, but people felt an unseen control. Singing, sobbing, praying intermingled without intermission." Singing was a fruit of the revival. Many of those powerfully filled by the Holy Spirit recorded their experiences, especially of how they trembled, laughed and sang for hours afterwards. Evan Roberts himself felt singing to be of massive importance for the release of God's power. When a Londoner asked him one day if the revival could ever reach the capital, he smiled and asked, "Can you sing?"

Music Ministry Revival is at hand! Music Ministry Revival is the stealth movement of God in the Music Cosmos. Music Ministry Revival will occur when the Music Ministry Teams manifest. 

The Music Ministry Revival Teams must rally a spiritual preemptive strike against the Music Principalities, Powers and Rulers of the darkness of this world Eph 6:12. Grace abounds wherever sin abounds! The preemptive strike is not carnal, but mighty to the pulling down of strongholds. 2 Corinthians 10:4 (Amplified Bible) 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh and blood], but they are mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds.

Note! The Music Ministry CD/DVD sales doesn't pull down strongholds. Our CD/DVD projects have little affect on world hunger, poverty, Iraq War, Music Cosmos corruption, sexism, drug abuse and racism. The Music Cosmos continues to put the Music Ministry to shame.  Click here: Sarah McLachlan donates $150,000 video production fund to development charities in Africa.

2 Corinthians 10:4 (The Message) 3-6The world is unprincipled. It's dog-eat-dog out there! The world doesn't fight fair. But we don't live or fight our battles that way—never have and never will. The tools of our trade aren't for marketing or manipulation, but they are for demolishing that entire massively corrupt culture. We use our powerful God-tools for smashing warped philosophies, tearing down barriers erected against the truth of God, fitting every loose thought and emotion and impulse into the structure of life shaped by Christ. Our tools are ready at hand for clearing the ground of every obstruction and building lives of obedience into maturity

A preemptive attack (or preemptive war) is waged in an attempt to repel or defeat an imminent offensive or invasion, or to gain a strategic advantage in an impending (usually unavoidable) war. Preemptive war is often confused with the term preventive war. While the latter is generally considered to violate international law, and to fall short of the requirements of a just war, preemptive wars are more often argued to be justified or justifiable. The intention with a preemptive strike is to gain the advantage of initiative and to harm the enemy at a moment of minimal protection, for instance while vulnerable during transport or mobilization.

I am specifically not calling for a boycott against BET, MTV, Rap Music or Hip Hop. Berklee, Spelman College, Tipper Gore formed the Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC) and Essence Magazine have begun Music campaigns. They have launched salvos against Hip Hop and rap. Berklee College of Music, in an effort to influence the direction of rap, is joining Essence magazine's Take Back the Music campaign, meant in part to encourage young artists who offer alternatives to the violent and sex-laden lyrics found in some popular hip-hop music. Essence, Click here: Take Back the Music Campaign  a magazine geared to black women, last January launched a massive and vocal critique of the music industry for creating songs andvideos. that overwhelmingly portrayed black women as sex objects. Essence ran stories examining how the music affected young black girls, and the magazine also promoted positive hip-hop artists and sponsored public discussions with rap artists. The publication's top editor said the intent of the campaign is to bring attention to positive forms of the craft. Spelman College, made headlines last year when students protested hip-hop star Nelly's scheduled appearance for a campus charity event because of his song ''Tip Drill," whose video depicts Nelly swiping a credit card between a woman's buttocks. After hearing of the protest, Nelly did not appear for the Spelman performance. Tipper Gore formed the Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC) The goal of the PMRC was pretty simple. The more media attention, the more pressure it put on the RIAA. According to a 1985 issue of the Washington Post, Susan Baker and Tipper Gore released the six demands they had:

1. Print lyrics on album covers.
2. Keep explicit covers under the counter.
3. Establish a ratings system for records similar to that for films.
4. Establish a ratings system for concerts.
5. Reassess the contracts of performers who engage in violence and explicit sexual behavior onstage.
6. Establish a citizen and record-company media watch that would pressure broadcasters not to air "questionable-talent."
(Nuzum "Parental" 22)

Our powerful God-tools for smashing warped philosophies is a Music Ministry Call to Prayer and Fasting. Music Ministry Revival is at hand! Revival is Gods divine intervention in the lives of the Music Ministry. Music Ministry Revival changes the morale climate of the region.  Revival is a result of prevailing prayer, weeping and a prevailing word. I thank God for calling the Music Ministry to prevailing prayer and fasting for Music Ministry (Kingdom come) revival. I praise God that he is calling for the Music Ministry from , every nation, urban, burghal, municipality, village, hamlet, from every state and every city, country, area,  belt, territory, tract, zone, neighborhood, vicinity; division, part, section, sector.  ...a call for 500 musicians in every city for prevailing prayer and fasting...Pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out Music laborers into His Music harvest...Lord bring (prepare ye the way) Music Ministry  revival 

Teamwork and the Movement of God

The Music Ministry Revival will sink or swim based on its teamwork. Could teamwork among the Music Ministry solve:

  • The music Ministry assignment The Music Cosmos

  • World Hunger

  • A common agenda for Music Ministry Convention-leaders

  • Lower the increasing divorce rate among Music Ministry couples in their 40s, 50s, 60s and even the 70s

  • Music Ministry and AIDS and drug dependency

  • Control, Distribute , Produce CD for the general Music Ministry

  • Sexism, classism, racism in the Music Ministry

  • Affordable Senior Housing for the Music Ministry

  • Music Ministry pension funds

  • Retooling the the Music Ministry from Industrial Pipe Organ, organic Piano to electronic instruments

  • Institute Remedial music education program for the Music Ministry

  • Updating resume service for the Music Ministry who is out of work

  • Redeem rap music into Christ-centric rap Music



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