Friday, June 16, 2006

Music Ministry Revival part87



















Music Ministry Revival part87

Music Ministry Teamwork and the Movement of God 

Music Ministry revival part87 Dead Line Musician Doomed to Succeed

Music Ministry Revival is at hand! Music Ministry Revival is near, draws nigh, eminent, imminent, readily perceived, exhibiting eminence, conspicuous, close at hand! Music Ministry Reform, for come nigh hath the reign of the heavens. Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!" 

There is  a deadline for the Music Ministry Revival. The Music Cosmos is doomed to succeed and become the kingdom of our Lord, and of his Christ: and he shall reign for ever and ever. Music Ministry Revival will manifest in the fullness of time. Music Ministry awaits the eminent return of Christ. Is the Music Ministry behind on a deadline. The Music Ministry must consider crossing the artistic deadline because of the eminent Kingdom. Merriam Webster’s gives for the primary definition of “deadline”: “a line drawn within or around a prison that a prisoner passes at the risk of being shot,” from which, by extension, “a date or time before which something must be done” and specifically “the time after which copy is not accepted for a particular issue of a publication.” "time limit," 1920, Amer. Eng. newspaper jargon. Perhaps influenced by earlier use (1864) to mean the "do-not-cross" line in Civil War prisons: "Seventeen feet from the inner stockade was the 'dead-line,' over which no man could pass and live." [Lossing, 1868] 'Deadline' in jails meant the line in the yard where prisoners used to walk beyond which they had not to go. Guards could shoot dead any inmate crossing it. Hence the meaning (date or time) 'limit'.

 The Music Divine revolution will not be televised. Yes! The Music Ministry Revival will not be Ipod. Music Ministry Revival is the stealth movement of God in the Music Cosmos. Music Ministry Revival will occur when the Music Ministry Teams manifest strategies to exegete the Music Cosmos. Music Ministry Revival teams will exhibit eminence. Music Ministry eminent domain over the Music Cosmos. Eminent domain Function: noun : a right of a government to take private property for public use by virtue of the superior dominion of the sovereign power over all lands within its jurisdiction.

Dominance is not Preeminence.  Is your Gospel CD so heavenly minded that you’re no earthly good?  God desires your music project so earthly mended that you're indispensable to the Kingdom. God's hand will become your hands.  God desires you to give up your right to dominate the airwaves with your CD/DVD/Ipod project.  God wants exclusive rights to your private CD project. He wants you to give up your legal rights and residuals. Music Ministry Revival will eminent when you surrender your CD project to the Song of the Lord. The Lord's Song will be Pre Eminent. The Song of the Lord will be revealed. The Song of the Lord will be eminent. The Song of the Lord will be preeminent and revealed. Every ear shall hear the Song of the Lord. They shall hear it together.  Gospel Music, Praise Songs, will not dominant in the Music Cosmos airspace-airscape-earscape. The Song of the Lord is the song-anthem of the soul set free. God will not dominate the airwave. Without God you can not Divine the airwaves. Without you, God will not eminent the Music Cosmos. 

The song of the Lord will preempt the airwave. The song of the Lord will preempt the airwave and exhibit eminence. The trumpet will sound and the dead in Christ will rise.  Music Revival is the preemption of the regular programming of the Music Cosmos. God does'nt need your Help! If you will not praise Him, he will cause the rocks to cry out. He will not run a 'me-too' Music CD/DVD/Ipod project. I personally checked the record of  the music universe. You and I are not on the birth certificate of the Music Cosmos. 

I have personally checked the record. I have sampled and played the original 78, a gramophone record (also phonograph record, or simply record) of creation. The Big band is the cosmic explosion that marked the origin of the universe not the big bang theory. What is the origin of music? It came from God. It was given to man at the moment of creation when ‘the morning stars sang together’ (Job 38:7).

 All Music was made by him, and without Him was any music made. God is not a God that He should co- compose. You are not a co-creator, collaborator or co writer of the Lord's song. Simply, you can sense the movement of the Sovereign from the Spiritual realm. Secondly, the Music Ministry takes music dictation. He sings the song of the Lord into your ear. The Sovereign dictates, we inscribe-write it down. I hear the music in the air. I hear Music everywhere. Let this Song be in you that was also in Christ Jesus. Your song will not walk after the flesh, but after the Spirit. Thus, the issue is not cross-over. Cross-over is a double minded, forked tongued music. Cross-over music speaks from both sides of the mouth. God's song can not speak the mind of God and your flesh. For the Spirit has no communion with flesh. The Spirit informs the Flesh. God's Spirit brings your spirit beyond the veil of the flesh.

Christ proclaims eminent domain of of His Preeminence. "King of kings" is certainly an indication of "The Pre-Eminent Christ"! The Music Ministry will reign with Him forever. 

Paul had certainly come a long way in his understanding of Jesus since that day he met Him on the road to Damascus! a. From saying "Who are you, lord?" b. To proclaiming Jesus to be: 1) The king over His kingdom 2) The savior from our sins 3) The image of the invisible God 4) The firstborn over all creation 5) The creator of all things 6) The sustainer of all things 7) The head of the body, the church 8) The beginning, the firstborn from the dead 9) The fullness of all things 10) The reconciler of all things to God

Teamwork and the Movement of God

The Music Ministry Revival will sink or swim based on its teamwork. Could teamwork among the Music Ministry solve:

  • The music Ministry assignment The Music Cosmos

  • World Hunger

  • A common agenda for Music Ministry Convention-leaders

  • Lower the increasing divorce rate among Music Ministry couples in their 40s, 50s, 60s and even the 70s

  • Music Ministry and AIDS and drug dependency

  • Control, Distribute , Produce CD for the general Music Ministry

  • Sexism, classism, racism in the Music Ministry

  • Affordable Senior Housing for the Music Ministry

  • Music Ministry pension funds

  • Retooling the the Music Ministry from Industrial Pipe Organ, organic Piano to electronic instruments

  • Institute Remedial music education program for the Music Ministry

  • Updating resume service for the Music Ministry who is out of work

  • Redeem rap music into Christ-centric rap Music





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