Wednesday, June 21, 2006

June 20, 2006 Summer solstice at Stonhenge harden not your heart.

Today is the first Day of Summer. June 20, 2006 Summer solstice Photo at Stonhenge. Stonehenge: A group of standing stones on Salisbury Plain in southern England. Dating to c. 2000–1800 B.C., the megaliths are enclosed by a circular ditch and embankment that may date to c. 2800. The arrangement of the stones suggests that Stonehenge was used as a religious center and also as an astronomical observatory. An Ebenezer is an arrangement of the stones. Ebenezer What is an Ebenezer!?  The name is taken from the book of I Samuel in the Old Testament.  Israel had lost a significant battle to the Philistines, and many years later, after much had happened to bring Israel back to God, they fought the Philistines again at the very same location, but this time they won!  The Prophet Samuel had a large stone set up in that place as a memorial stone for Israel to remember that they had won this battle in the same place they had been defeated before, and that they had done it by God's help, and only by His help.  He named the stone, and the place, Ebenezer, which means "stone of help". This name is used in an old hymn, "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing".  The second verse begins, "Here I raise my Ebenezer, Hither by Thy help I've come".  So, an Ebenezer is anything that reminds us, "(h)ither by (God's) help I've come".

a.    build an (Ebenezer) Buy some stones and erect a monument. The Ebenezer stone represented a fresh beginning, a reversal of course for God's people. It also said something important about God: his mercies are everlasting; his covenant is forever. Prayer journals are a type of Ebenezer stone. You should set up an Ebenezer stone, I think, to serve as a continual reminder that I am forgiven, that I have chosen a new direction, that God has made a permanent <?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = V /><?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O /><?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = W />Ebenezer: Machrie Moor standing stone, Scotlandcovenant with all who put their faith in Jesus Christ.1 Samuel 7:12 (Amplified Bible)12Then Samuel took a stone and set it between Mizpah and Shen, and he called the name of it Ebenezer [stone of help], saying, Heretofore the Lord has helped us.

                        COME, THOU FOUNT OF EVERY BLESSING

Here I raise my Ebenezer;
Here by Thy great help I’ve come;
And I hope, by Thy good pleasure,
Safely to arrive at home.
Jesus sought me when a stranger,
Wandering from the fold of God;
He, to rescue me from danger,
Interposed His precious blood.

The Word of the Lord said to me, when you hear his voice, harden not your heart. harden not your heartJune 20, 2006  is the longest day of the year. I beseech you, therefore, I conjure you by the mercies of God, that June 20, 2006 when you hear his voice, and harden not your heart. daylight shortens each day...My mother said a hard head make a soft behind...In the day of His appearance lighten up- harden not your heart. Click here: HARDEN NOT YOUR HEART by Charles G. Finney harden not your heart, harden not your heart, harden not your heart, harden not your heart, harden not your heart, harden not your heart, harden not your heart, harden not your heart, harden not your heart, harden not your heart, harden not your heart, harden not your heart, harden not your heart, harden not your heart, harden not your heart, harden not your heart, harden not your heart, harden not your heart, harden not your heart, harden not your heart, harden not your heart, harden not your heart, harden not your heart, harden not your heart, harden not your heart, harden not your heart, harden not your heart, harden not your heart, harden not your heart, harden not your heart, harden not your heart, harden not your heart, harden not your heart, harden not your heart, harden not your heart, harden not your heart

Illumination of Earth by the sun on the northern hemisphere summer solsticeThe summer solstice is an astronomical term regarding the position of the sun in relation to the celestial equator. At the time of the summer solstice, Earth is at a point in its orbit where one hemisphere is most tilted towards the sun, causing the sun to appear at 23.45 degrees above the celestial equator, thus making its highest path across the sky. The summer solstice is the day of the year with the longest daylight period and hence the shortest night. This day usually occurs on June 20/June 21 (UTC Date) in the northern hemisphere and on December 21/December 22 in the southern hemisphere. The actual date changes due to differences between the calendar year and the tropical year.

At the point of the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere the sun appears to be directly overhead at midday along an imaginary line on the Northern Hemisphere at latitude 23.45 deg N known as the Tropic of Cancer. At the summer solstice in the Southern Hemisphere the sun appears directly overhead at midday along an imaginary line 23.45 deg S known as the Tropic of Capricorn. These two lines were so-called because, in ancient times when the first Western astrological charts were set, the sun rose in these constellations at these times.

These lines mark the southern and northern most points where the sun can appear to be directly overhead to an Earth-based observer, and encompass the tropical region of the earth's surface. The term summer "solstice" is of Middle

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