Thursday, June 1, 2006

Chuck Pierce: "From Passover To Pentecost--10 Days of Warring for Increase and the Transference of W

June 1, 2006

Chuck Pierce: "From Passover To Pentecost--10 Days of Warring for Increase and the Transference of Wealth"

Chuck PierceI have done many prayer focuses, but I don't believe I have received as many comments as I have from this one--we have continued to press through. Let me remind you of the 50 Days that we are now in--and we are in the last phase of completing. Remember, we are moving from Passover to Pentecost: 50 Days to Staking Your Claim for the Future and Opening Supply Lines.

10 Days of Crossing Over to Press into Your Promise
10 Days of Decreeing Your Land or Boundaries Will Rejoice
10 Days of Developing an Expectation for the Future
10 Days of Restoring, Redefining and Establishing Vision
NOW! 10 Days of Warring for Increase and the Transference of Wealth

Pentecost is the Feast of the Open Heavens

In this year of Samekh Vav--the year for Heaven and earth to connect, we must be sure to come together at the right time in the right place, so we are in sync with His cycle of blessing. As you know, Pentecost was a Biblical Feast instituted by the Lord when He brought the people out of Egypt and set them toward their promised land. There are actually three levels of Pentecost:

The FIRST level--is celebrating the release of provision from the Lord by praise and giving.
The SECOND level--is celebrating the release of the power of God into the earth realm.
The THIRD level--is celebrating the release of supernatural revelation. (Exodus 23:14-23; Leviticus 23:9-22; Deuteronomy 16:9-12; Acts 2.)

Prophetic Word and Exhortation

It has really been amazing that Barbara Wentroble and I, have both been at Glory of Zion this much together in the month of May. We were there together again on Sunday, May 21. And the presence of God chose to dwell in a sovereign way, with us, during this time at Glory of Zion. During our incredible worship time, I exhorted the people.

Then Barbara Wentroble Began to Prophesy:

"This is not a time to fear. This is not a time to halt. This is a time to advance with all the strength God has given you." (Barbara begins.) "This is a time when you shall know who you are," says your God. "It is a time that many shall come into an understanding and a revelation of who they were meant to be. For many have known Me in the past. For many have known My name in the past. However, they have not known who they are. This is a time that I shall cause many to know who they are called to BE and what they are called to DO."

"Many knew Peter as Simon, the shifting one, but I knew him as Peter, the Rock. There were those who knew Jacob as the one who was always twisting and maneuvering, but I knew him as Israel, the Prince. This is an hour that I shall cause many of you to know who you are. For you will not be who you were in the past."

"This is a day that I am raising you up and causing you to be who I called you to be. There is a divine shift that is taking place and I am shifting you from an old place and an old name and an old identity, and I am causing My Warrior Bride to come into who she really is. Many shall know you not by who you are, but who you are in Me."

I then exhorted the people to remove any shell that had formed around them that has kept the Lord's identity from being seen within them. I asked people to pray over each other and decree that the anointing within them would break through the shell. May you lift your hands even now and say, "God, I'm getting out of this old thing that's around me!"

Don't let pride hold you captive. There's nothing wrong with worshiping and being free. I prophesied over an individual, but I believe it's what the Lord is saying over all of us:

"This is a time where I am drawing you forward. This is a time that I am causing the river within you to flow. Many are thirsty in your area. I will cause the river in you to come forth to refresh all of those around you. Not only will I bring forth the river in you, I will cause many to come and drink at your feet."

Let me exhort you! Many will begin to break from their confinements this month. The enemy has tried to fence you in one way, but I hear the Lord saying, "I am beginning to rise up over you and when you see your gate that opens in front of you, do not hesitate. For the opening of the gate is not for hesitation but for movement! If you will not hesitate this hour, then you will move into the identity of your future and the place that I have for you. You will find yourself singing your way into the new!

"The dance of My Heavens will begin to come upon you and what has held you back and caused your feet never to ascend, will be removed from you. Your feet will begin to move and you will find yourself raised above your enemies. Instead of them overtaking you, you will put your feet on the head of your enemies and dance!"


Day 1: Read Genesis 1-2, especially verses 1:26 and 2:15. Also read Ezekiel 28:13-19. Then read Genesis 3. This will give you a good idea of God's plan of dominion and abundance for mankind. This will also reveal to you Satan's character and strategy. In the beginning, he was the keeper of wealth and resources. He covered these with sound. Upon his exaltation and fall, he has attempted to keep man in deception so God's Kingdom plan in the earth will not advance. Agree with God that you will begin to see His strategy of abundance for you.

Day 2: Read Genesis 12-15, 22. All wealth is related to covenant. Notice the promise, the war, the giving aspect to Melchizedek, the ratification of covenant, and the testing of covenant. In the midst of this process Jehovah Jireh reveals Himself. Stand up and honor Him as Jehovah Jireh.

Day 3: Read Genesis 30 and Daniel 11. These are two wonderful chapters over God's ability through man to multiply resources. First, Jacob develops a new plan to breed goats and lambs. There are many new plans out there that God is willing to release to us. Daniel 11, promises that God will have a strong people who "do exploits." Ask the Lord to give you an anointing to develop a new plan of multiplication.

Day 4: Read Genesis 37, 39-41, 45. The life of Joseph is worthy of special study this year. He listened through his dreams for God's future plan. In the midst of his trials, his gifts remained active. He developed an administrative plan for multiplication--the Storehouse Principle. He fathered Pharaoh and preserved the posterity of God's covenant plan for the future. Ask the Lord to develop the Storehouse Principle in your life.

Day 5: Read Exodus 3, 23. Ask the Lord to lead you into a new place of worship and favor. Declare that you will plunder Egypt. Declare that this is a year for you to gain the supply for your children's future. Ask the Lord to send angelic help to lead you in His next promise.

Day 6: Read Deuteronomy 8 and 28, especially verse 28:8. He gives you power and strength to gain wealth so you can advance His covenant plan for your life. Ask Him for power and strength to gain wealth. Many times we are afraid to ask for this. Ask the Lord to "command a blessing on your storehouse." If you do not have a storehouse, ask the Lord to give you a plan to develop one.

Day 7: Read 1 Chronicles 22, especially verse 14. This is a year to build for our future. Ask the Lord to break from you, the limits you have placed on Him to multiply your life. Ask Him to take you "beyond measure." Most of us limit God to maintaining what we need. Ask the Lord to remove a maintenance mentality from you and move you into a beyond measure mentality. Ask the Lord to send people to help you.

Day 8: Read Proverbs 3; 2 Kings 4, 8:1-6. Mistrust stops you from prospering. Trust the Lord and ask Him to redirect your path. That means to straighten out and make right the way ahead. Review your giving. Make sure you are aligned properly in giving. Honor the Lord with your first-fruits and tithes so your barns will be filled and your vats will overflow. Prepare a special Pentecost gift. Send it to those that are causing you to advance spiritually. Look at the two women in 2 Kings 4 and 8. They began to prosper and their supply does not stop. Even in the midst of drought, the testimony of giving overcomes.

Day 9: Read Malachi 3-4, especially verse 3:10. Ask the Lord to open the windows of Heaven over you. Ask Him to rebuke the devourer. This is the only promise that we find biblically of us putting God to a test. Tell the Lord you want to be blessed so much, that there will not be room enough for you to receive it. Ask the Lord to renew your giving process and bring revival upon it.

Day 10: Read Matthew 14:13-21; Luke 12:22-48; John 5, 20; Acts 4. Pentecost is a time of multiplication and prosperity. Read these scriptures carefully. You will find much insight on how to prosper. God is preparing us to fill our baskets. Ask the Lord to gather all your fragments, reorganize what you have, and use you to supply others in the future.

I hope the Lord has richly blessed you as you have participated in "staking your claim on the future." I will most likely continue developing these prayer focuses that will lead us up to the 183 target point that the Lord spoke to me in March, when He said, "Eat the Word for 183 days."

May we continue to taste and see that the Lord is good.


Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries

Chuck Pierce's Upcoming Itinerary:

June 9 - 11, 2006
Coming from the Pit to the Palace: Building Our Storehouses for the Future!
UNT Coliseum; Denton, TX
Contact: (888-965-1099) or

June 11 - 13, 2006
Worship, Sound & Movement
Issachar School; Denton TX
Contact: (888) 965-1099 or

June 16 - 17, 2006
Wagner Leadership Institute
NYC; Brooklyn NY
Contact: (718) 921-4673 or

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