Monday, June 12, 2006

The Art of Leaving Music Ministry

The Art of Leaving Music Ministry

10 Danger Signs that indicate your need for a reevaluation

#1: Incompatibility Good Choir, good Musician,  but a bad fit. 

#2: Immobility The Choir and music ministry is trapped by church politics and traditions that cannot be changed.

#3: Music Organizational Development
Each generation has specific demands that create the necessity for change and the modification of the music strategy. Not every Musician can adapt

#4: Stagnancy Some Music Ministries prevent a musician from growing personally. The result is boredom and stagnancy.

#5: Fatigue Burnout is a trait, which characterizes this situation. Not enough resources and personnel to complete the goals. The job's and congregation are too large for the resources. There are too many demands. You are put in a situation where you cannot say no to their unreasonable demands

#6: Family morale Your immediate family and friends are more harmed than helped by your relationship with the Music Ministry.

#7: Closings and openings When the grass starts looking greener at the other alternative Music Ministries and  your heart looks for new horizons…and the counsel of your spirit led friends concur.

#8: The age factor Your age  (Chronological) and (length of time at the ministry)  or interest can not keep up with the demands pf the ministry of music

#9: Incompetence Sometimes your education, gifts and strengths are not suited for the situation.

#10: Persona Non Grata You and your gifts and talents are no longer celebrated

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