Saturday, May 20, 2006

Ministry Revival part83




















Ministry Revival part83

Music Ministry Teamwork and the Movement of God 

Music Ministry Revival is at hand! Music Ministry Revival is the stealth movement of God in the Music Cosmos. Music Ministry Revival will occur when the Music Ministry Teams manifest. Music Ministry Revival will manifest when musicians Teams go back to the Willow tree.

In a sign of resignation and despair, the Music Ministry has hung their music gifts on the willow trees. Psalm 137:2 On the willow treesin the midst of [Babylon] we hung our harps. For joyful songs would imply forgetfulness of their desolated homes and fallen Church. The solemn imprecations on the hand and tongue, if thus forgetful, relate to the cunning or skill in playing, and the power of singing. Presently, certain sects of religion such as the Plymouth Brethren, sing A cappella (music is vocal music or singing without instrumental accompaniment). During their weekly breaking of bread service, hymns are usually sung unaccompanied by any musical instrument. Some Plymouth Brethren claimed that use of instruments imperiled the soul. They  declared instruments evil or even completely ban their use in worship in every case. Today, The descendants of the Plymouth Brethren  would make the case for the superiority of a cappella as the most appropriate form of music to offer to God.

The Christo-Centric worship musicians of Jazz, Rock, Country, Classical, have been in exile.  Until recently, varied styles of music have been prohibited from the worship experience. Music Ministry Revival will mean that God's Spirit will liberate the music and musicians held captive. In the last days, Gods Spirit will call musicians out of hiding. "MANY WORN OUT MUSICIANS, WHO HAD GONE INTO CAPTIVITY, WERE BEING CALLED BACK TO PICK UP THEIR HARPS OFF THE WEEPING WILLOW TREES!" Many musicians were taken captive by the enemy to stop their worship and praise. Some had actually sat down and wept when they remembered Zion; and they hung their harps (musical instruments) upon the weeping willow trees and they could not sing a song in a strange land. The Lord was now calling these seemingly defeated ones out like "pied pipers" to not only start playing their instruments in "strange" lands and places, but to lead the whole place and these lands out of their own captivity! Bill Yount

When the Jews lost the land and the temple the use of instruments was simply not allowed because they were not in the land. When the Jews lost Jerusalem and left, instrumental music ceased until about 1815 in a liberal synagogue and this created division. Their enemies had carried the Jews captive from their own land. To complete their woes, they insulted over them; they required of them mirth and a song. This was very barbarous; also profane, for no songs would serve but the songs of Zion. Scoffers are not to be compiled with. They do not say, How shall we sing, when we are so much in sorrow? but, It is the Lord's song, therefore we dare not sing it among idolaters. (Ps 137:5-9)

The Willow symbolizes 

  • repentance- The Jews bewail their captivity. Hebrew word meaning "rest." It is a Biblical commandment to sanctify and rest "the willows dip Their pendent boughs, stooping as if to drink.

  • Resignation -  we hung our harps

  • pleasures of transitory things These trees are watered by the waters of Babylon, and bring forth no fruit citizens of Babylon in such wise, that they are even trees of that region

Music Ministry Revival is at hand! Music Ministry Revival is the stealth movement of God, the Lord's Song, in the Music Cosmos. The Music Ministry Pied Pipers will sing the Lord's Song in a strange land. There will be a return the Willow Tree. These called Pied Pipers will resign their appointment of sorrow. Their will be an exchange from appointment to anointing. The anointing will empower the Music Ministry in Babylon, Judea and the utter most parts of the Music Cosmos.  Therefore the Music Ministry dare sing the Lord's Song among idolaters. The stealth Lord's Song of God, the Lord's Song will shake the nations.  I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come; and I will fill this house with glory, saith Jehovah of hosts. 

Weeping Pussy Willow

 Willow Music Ministry Revival, Blow ye the trumpet, blow! The gladly solemn sound let all the nations know, to earth's remotest bound, The year of jubilee is come! Blow ye a trumpet in Zion, And shout ye in My holy hill, Tremble do all inhabitants of the earth, For coming is the day of Jehovah, for 'it is' near! For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with God's trumpet. The dead in Christ will rise.

Music Ministry Revival is when the Music Ministry weeps between the porch and altar. Willow weep for me. "The willows dip Their pendent boughs, stooping as if to drink. Hear the Word of the Lord, And I will turn your feasts into mourning, and all your songs into lamentation; and I will bring sackcloth upon all loins, and baldness upon every head.  I Will Turn Their Mourning Into Joy, and Will Comfort Them my mourning into dancing; I Will  loose your sackcloth, and gird you with gladness. The nations shall shake, then there will be a return to me. The Music Ministry will return to the Willow and I will return to the nations the mourning of the captive Israelites, and a prayer and certain destruction of their enemies. The Music Ministry will return the cunning or skill in playing, and the power of singing in the temple.

Teamwork and the Movement of God

The Music Ministry Revival will sink or swim based on its teamwork. Could teamwork among the Music Ministry solve:

  • The music Ministry assignment The Music Cosmos

  • World Hunger

  • A common agenda for Music Ministry Convention-leaders

  • Lower the increasing divorce rate among Music Ministry couples in their 40s, 50s, 60s and even the 70s

  • Music Ministry and AIDS and drug dependency

  • Control, Distribute , Produce CD for the general Music Ministry

  • Sexism, classism, racism in the Music Ministry

  • Affordable Senior Housing for the Music Ministry

  • Music Ministry pension funds

  • Retooling the the Music Ministry from Industrial Pipe Organ, organic Piano to electronic instruments

  • Institute Remedial music education program for the Music Ministry

  • Updating resume service for the Music Ministry who is out of work

  • Redeem rap music into Christ-centric rap Music


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