Wednesday, April 26, 2006

5 out of 6 Americans Agree: I Can Grow Spiritually WITHOUT the Church

Survey results: Church not important for spiritual growth, Americans say By Hannah Elliott Published April 21, 2006

5 out of 6 Americans Agree: I Can Grow Spiritually WITHOUT the Church

” evangelical researcher George Barna said in the report. “Americans are willing to expend some energy in religious activities such as attending church and reading the Bible, and they are willing to throw some money in the offering basket, but when it comes time to truly establishing their priorities and making a tangible commitment to knowing and loving God, most people stop short." Less than 20 percent of American adults believe participation in a congregation is critical to spiritual growth, and just as few agree that only through participation in a faith community will they reach their full potential, the Barna Research Group reported April 18.

Based on interviews with 1,003 adults from across the nation, the telephone surveys also found that as few as 17 percent of adults said “a person’s faith is meant to be developed mainly by involvement in a local church.” What’s more, only one-third of all evangelicals -- the group most likely to attend church -- endorsed the concept.

And while 72 percent of Americans claim they have personally committed themselves to Jesus Christ, less than 50 percent attend religious services on a weekly basis.

1.  The world, even when they are searching and longing for spiritual growth, isn't even looking to the church as a possibility for that growth.  Four out of five (according to this survey) don't view the church as a valuable source for spiritual growth.  The church has lost it's salt.  Quite frankly, 80% just don't believe the church (as they know it) to be valuable to them in any way other than weddings and funerals.

2.  The church (those who attend church as a whole) has a diminished view of what being a part of the church can/will do for them.  A growing percentage of those still involved in the church disagree that being a part of the church can help them reach their full spiritual potential. This matches other studies that show an increasing percentage of Christians who feel they are spiritual fit while not involved in any local church.


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