Saturday, March 25, 2006

The Bumblebee Has Landed

The Word of the Lord is  "The bumblebee has landed."    The Bumble anointing is here. The glory of the Lord will be manifest, and all flesh shall see it together. Your territory will be "flowing with milk and honey," (Exodus 3:8). It is the honey which Jonathan ate in the wood, (1 Samuel 14:25) and the "wild honey" which supported John the Baptist, (Matthew 3:42) Whatever has stung you and your ministry, will be overcome in 2006. The sting of death is sin: an explanation of Hosea's metaphor. Death, scorpion-like, is equipped with a sting, sin, by which it injects its poison.1 Corinthians 15:55 O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?    56Now sin is the sting of death, and sin exercises its power [upon the soul] through [the abuse of] the Law. 57But thanks be to God, Who gives us the victory [making us conquerors] through our Lord Jesus Christ.

He gives us victory over Death, Deception, Damnation, Shame, Financial stress, Disappointment-Proverbs 15:22. The glory of the Lord will remove the sting of the Death-1 Cor. 15:55-56, Deception-Matt 24:4, Damnation-Rom. 6:23a,, shame, Financial distress-3 john 1:2. Patience is the weapon that forces deception to reveal itself.

 2006 is theyear of total fulfillment-2006 is the year of the Glory. The manifestation of the Holy Spirit and His gifts. Hebrew Calendar: The year is the 5766th year since the creation of the world. It is commonly referred to as the year 766, תשס"ו, leaving out the thousands. This year will signify the spiritual mode of the Divine service of "returning [to G-d] from love" (מֵאַהֲבָה תְשוּבָה), as the numerical value of this phrase in Hebrew is 766. The Music Whirlwind. In  5766/2006, their will be a return  to Yahweh. We will experience the Great return. The great return is the promise of Gods presence. God is going to make a special reappearance-revival in the 5766/2006. This appearance is foretold in Zechariah 2:10.

Paul has taken this entire chapter to tell us that Jesus gas given those who believe in Him absolute victory over death!  By entering death and rising again, Jesus forever took away the power of death.  A boy crawled up into his mama's lap one hot summer day and just sitting there, loving mama, and mama loving him, and then the little fellow became afraid and the little fellow pulled closer to its mama and the mother said, "What's the matter, Son?"  And the little boy said, "Oh, Mama, look at that bumble bee! Look at that bumble bee buzzing all around me.  Mama, Mama, I'm afraid of that bumble bee."  She said, "Aw, Son, you don't have to be afraid of that bumble bee."  "Well, Mama, that bumble bee will sting me." "No, no, no, Son.  That bumble bee won't sting you, you don't have to be afraid."  "Why don't I, Mama?"  And Mama reached out her hand and she showed the little boy her hand and in her hand she pulled out a stinger and she said, "Son, you don't have to be afraid of that bumble bee; that bumble bee has already stung your mama and it can't sting you.  I've got the stinger.") The Hebrew debash in the first place applied to the product of the bee, to which exclusively we give the name of honey. All travellers agree in describing Palestine as a land "flowing with milk and honey," (Exodus 3:8) bees being abundant even in the remote parts of the wilderness, where they deposit their honey in the crevices of rocks or in hollow trees. In some parts of northern Arabia the hills are so well stocked with bees that no sooner are hives placed than they are occupied. In the second place the term debash applies to a decoction of the juice of the grape, which is still called dibs , and which forms an article of commerce in the East, it was this, and not ordinary bee-honey, which Jacob sent to Joseph, (Genesis 43:11) and which the Tyrians purchased from Palestine. (Ezekiel 27:17) A third kind has been described by some writers as a "vegetable" honey, by which is meant the exudations of certain trees and shrubs, such as the Tamarix mannifera , found in the peninsula of Sinai, or the stunted oaks of Luristan and Mesopotamia . The honey which Jonathan ate in the wood, (1 Samuel 14:25) and the "wild honey" which supported John the Baptist, (Matthew 3:42) have been referred to this species. But it was probably the honey of wild bees.

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