Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Heritage Music Foundation, Inc. Oratorical Contest


Heritage Music Foundation, Inc Oratorical Contest

                                    new date <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:date Year="2006" Day="3" Month="4">April 3, 2006</st1:date>, <st1:time Minute="30" Hour="19">7:30 PM</st1:time>

Contest to be held at Greater New Bethel Baptist Church

 601 E 99th, Inglewood, California

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Purpose:         This contest is to encourage and inspire young people to use the art of public speaking.  It will provide young people the opportunity to compete for a college scholarship and express their views on the topic below.

                                          Choose from one of the following topics:

·         The social and economic impact Gospel music has had on . (Your preparation can include research about the growth of Gospel music publications, TV shows and other media forms, record companies, distribution companies and the success of Gospel personalities.)

·        The development of Gospel music through the years. (Your preparation can include research about the historical changes of Gospel music over the years and its impact on today’s society.)

 How to enter: Complete the application by March 1st. Availability limited to the first 10 applicants. Submit the application by mail to P.O. Box 3247Thousand Oaks CA 91359 or complete the online application at


 Eligibility:     High school seniors and college freshmen between the ages of 16-18 years.

Criteria:         The speech should be 4 minutes, but not over 5 minutes in length. In addition to the length of the speech, participants will be judged on the following criteria:

                             ·        Poise (appearance, personality)

·        Content of Speech (subject adherence, theme, logic, content, color)

·        Delivery & Presentation (voice, volume, pronunciations, gestures, eye contact, sincerity, emphasis)

·        Overall effectiveness (appeal, impression, attitude, effect)

·        Points are deducted for going over the specified time

Mail application to:P.O. Box 3247Thousand Oaks CA 91359 ATTN: ORATORICAL ,                                                                                  or complete an online application at  


 Contest to be held at Greater New Bethel Baptist Church, 601 E. 99th Street, Inglewood , CA at 7:30 PM. If you have any questions please call (323) 418-7336 (April Parker) or (310) 674-1903. Email

Click here

Please provide the contest coordinator with a disk copy of your prepared speech on the contest night.


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